Technologies for Learning Strategy

The Scottish Government is developing a Technologies for Learning Strategy which aims to further the use of technology in learning and assessment in a practical and organised way for the benefit of Scotland's learners and Scotland's economic growth.     To help inform the strategy they have developed two short surveys aimed at parents/guardians and teachers/practitioners. Both surveys can be accessed from the following link: Each survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and   your views would…

Pensions Commission Report published

The report of the Independent Public Service Pensions Commission (the Hutton Commission) is published today. It contains wide ranging proposals (which constitute recommendations and need not be implemented) relating to the design of public sector pension schemes. The Report contains nothing particularly unexpected (there was an interim report published in 2010) but at least one of the proposals will have a significant bearing on many members' pensions. The major proposals include: The total protection of benefits currently accrued (that is,…

Teacher Union Gives Pension Proposals Variable Report

The SSTA, representing 8500 Scottish Secondary Teachers, today accepted much of the Independent Public Service Pensions Commission (the Hutton Report) but at the same time rejected one of the central proposals. Speaking today in Edinburgh, SSTA General Secretary, Ann Ballinger commented on the report. “Lord Hutton and the Commission members are to be congratulated on the scope, depth and readability of the Report. It contains wide ranging proposals which do substantially deal with all relevant issues and do provide a…

Consultative Ballot regarding Proposed Changes to Conditions of Services

Due to a clerical error in the preparation of the ballot papers a small number of members will receive duplicate papers. Unfortunately we have not been able to identify exactly who received duplicate copies of the papers. We ask that members who do receive duplicate papers disregard them. The number of duplicate ballot papers issued should have no real impact on the result of the ballot. Before any formal action is taken we will hold a formal ballot under TU…

Review of teacher employment in Scotland

Professor McCormac, Chair of the Review of Teacher Employment, has issued a Call for Evidence to be submitted to the Review Group from interested parties.   Members are encouraged to give their opinions by complete the questionnaire.   Please remember that group replies are frequently given the same weighting as individual ones.   For that reason it is very important that as many members as possible respond giving their views.   The questionnaire can be found on the Scottish Government…

Consultative Ballot regarding Proposed Changes to Conditions of Services

Dear Colleagues Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met on Wednesday 2 March 2011, where it was agreed that a consultative ballot of members employed in the state sector would take place in relation to the changes in conditions of service proposed by COLSA.   In addition to being asked if they support the proposals, members will be asked to consider whether industrial action should take place if the changes are imposed by COSLA.   Details of the proposed changes…

COSLA Proposal - Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the COLSA Proposals has been produced for the information of members.   If you have a question that is not answered here please email SSTA HQ at Q1. Does the comment in section 2 of the document about ‘sufficient teaching posts for all probationers' mean that Probationers finishing is 2011 are guaranteed a job? A. NO they are not. The comment in Section 2 refers to the number of jobs…

COSLA Proposed Changes to Pay and Conditions

Dear Colleagues The final proposal from COSLA detailing changes they wish to make to teachers' conditions of services are now available to download from here. Paper copies of this proposal and a ballot paper will be sent to all members working in the public sector during the next 10 days.   Please contact us if you have not received a ballot paper by 10 March.   The return date is 22 March 2011. I must stress that this Association has…

Timesheet to record Working hours

As an additional service to members and as a result of enquiries we have created a timesheet which can be used to record your working time during the year.   The spreadsheet programme does the calculations for you and new copies can be downloaded from here. Our most recent survey showed that many members are working in excess of 45 hours per week.   This will allow you to maintain a record for your own use.   It will also…

Update on COSLA proposals

Dear Colleages I regret to inform you that no progress as been made on SNCT negotiations or COSLA agenda because the COSLA representatives cancelled the meeting late on Wednesday. We do not, as yet, have a firm date for a replacement meeting but expect to meet next week. I will, of course, contact you as soon as further information is available and the Association will continue to add updated information to the website. If you have any questions or comments…