Parliamentary Debate on CfE

We provide a link for members to view the debate on the Motion tabled by Neil Bibby, Labour asking Scottish Government to respond to the concerns around implementation of CfE by conducting an independent review.            

3rd STUC LGBT Workers' Conference - 17 / 18 May 2014

The STUC's 3rd Annual LGBT Workers’ Conference will take place in the Stirling Highland Hotel over the period Saturday 17 / Sunday 18 May 2014. Any member who would be interested in being part of the delegation attending the Conference should contact the General Secretary by email by Friday 14 March.

January 2014 Newsletter

The January 2014 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from SSTA January 2014 Newsletter. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Obituary for David H Eaglesham

David H Eaglesham It is with deep regret that the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association announces the death of former General Secretary, David Eaglesham.  David, aged 63, died peacefully in St Columba’s Hospice on Friday 31 January 2014 after a year long illness. David Eaglesham was the remarkable, ebullient and indefatigable General Secretary of the SSTA for a period of twelve years from 1996 until 2008.  A true “north side of the river” Glaswegian, David was educated at Victoria Drive Senior…

David Eaglesham

The SSTA with great sadness announces the death of their former General Secretary David Eaglesham, 1996 – 2008. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, today said: “David was an outstanding General Secretary of this Association, taking up office following the death of Alan Lamont. David brought to the post a sense of tirelessness and, sometimes in the face of much opposition, a determination to change the SSTA and increase its profile nationally. Those of us who worked with him remember his…

Curriculum for Excellence Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released interim figures following its survey on N4/N5 and the New Higher.  The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it is for this reason that we have decided to issue an interim statement. Acting General Secretary Alan McKenzie said “We continue to be alarmed by the clear lack of confidence being expressed by our members particularly in terms of the assessment materials for N4 and 5.     80% of the respondents indicated that they were…

SPPA Consultation on draft regulations

Consultation on draft regulations to implement the new Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme with effect from 1 April 2015 The above consultation is available to view on the SPPA website and runs from 20 December 2013 to 16 February 2014. Comments can be made on-line by completing the questionnaire or by completing the printable consultation form and returning it either by email to or alternatively by mail to: STSS Consultation (2015 Reform) SPPA Policy 7 Tweedside Park Tweedbank Galashiels

School Visits in Scotland

The SSTA today called for Scottish Government to provide specific funding to encourage schools to have a co-ordinated programme of school visits to places of Scottish cultural and historical interest. Alan McKenzie Acting General Secretary, said today “Many schools do this on a regular basis but rely on parents agreeing to meet the whole cost.  Clearly in the present economic climate, parents will struggle to meet that cost.  There is a funding source to allow selected pupils from each Scottish…

Use of Mobile Technology in Schools

Members should be aware of the recent guidelines from Scottish Government on Developing Policies to Promote Safe and Responsible Use of Mobile Technology in Schools. The guidance can be downloaded from the Scottish Government's website using the link below. Guidance on Developing Policies to Promote Safe and Responsible Use of Mobile Technology in Schools

CfE Working Group on Tackling Bureaucracy - Final Report

The Working Group set up to tackle concerns over unnecessary bureaucracy around the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence has released its Final Report and recommended a series of actions.  The SSTA welcomes the Report as a genuine attempt to address one of the problems of CfE. It contains a practical and common sense set of recommendations that will be welcomed by hard pressed teachers. The Scottish Governments statement on the report can be found on their website.  The Report can…