
Members Bulletin - 12 March 2024

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) Pay Claim 2024-2025 The SNCT Teachers’ Side pay claim for 2024-2025 was submitted in January. The claim for 6.5% for all SNCT grades from August 2024 was acknowledged by the employers at the SNCT meeting in February. COSLA stated at the meeting that it was in discussions with the Scottish Government regarding local authority funding and public sector pay. It was also waiting for the Westminster Budget on 6 March to see if…

SSTA Member Bulletin – October 2023

Hayward Review The Independent Review Group led by Professor Louise Hayward published the final report ‘Our Future: Report of the Review of Qualifications and Assessment’ in June 2023. Recommendations in this report centre around a reduction of national qualifications and the introduction of a Scottish Diploma of Achievement (SDA) in the Senior Phase and with three mandatory elements: Personal Pathway, Programmes of Learning and Project Learning. The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills has committed to taking views from the teaching profession…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members Briefings – September 2023

The SSTA has arranged a series of in-person members briefings in September. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers.  This will include the Qualifications and Assessment Review, the Pupil Behaviour Summit and Teacher Health and Wellbeing. This is your opportunity to have your say. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Adviser from L-life Ltd will also be giving a presentation on the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. This will…

Members Update -  June 2023

Education Reform – “the views of teachers will be key to Scotland’s education reform journey”. With the publication of the ‘All Learners in Scotland Matter’ and ‘It’s Our Future’ reports, Jenny Gilruth MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills said, “the views of teachers will be key to Scotland’s education reform journey”. The Cabinet Secretary has asked all schools to provide opportunities to engage teachers at the in-service days in August as most secondary school teachers have only had a limited, if any, involvement in…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members' Briefing 2022

The SSTA has arranged a series of in-person members briefing in September. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers (to include the 10% teacher pay claim, the future of national qualifications and the progress of the Muir review). This is your opportunity to have your say. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd will also be giving a presentation on the changes to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme…

Retirement Workshops

The Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme Retirement Workshops This is one of the most important years to look at various options that you have available regarding your retirement. With the changes that have been brought about following the Sergeant and McCloud ruling you need to understand the impact these will have on your pension and your retirement. L-Life Ltd, in conjunction with the SSTA, would like to invite you to a free virtual workshop concentrating on the decisions you will/are being faced…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members Briefing and Pensions Update 2021

The SSTA has arranged briefing sessions for members in the coming week.The General Secretary, Seamus Searson, will give the latest information regarding Covid-19, national qualifications and the Education Reform review. There will also be a presentation on the impact of the Teachers’ Pensions consultations and the changes due to take place in April 2022 by Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd.The briefings will be conducted remotely and will take place on: Tuesday 2 November at 5.00pmTuesday 2 November at…

Members Update - 5 February 2021

 First Minister Statement – Reopening of Schools 22 February 2021The First Minister made a statement to the Scottish Parliament on 2 February that it is her intention to reopen schools to some pupils on 22 February. This decision is to be confirmed in two weeks (16 February 2021). The statement raised a number of issues that are still to be resolved as the detail had not been discussed with teacher unions. The SSTA has been advised that updated reducing risks and mitigating…

Retirement Workshops

The Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme Retirement Workshops In these “Interesting Times” many people are now seriously considering retirement and wondering how and when they will be able to afford retire. How will I be able to meet my bills? How do I get the best from my Pension? How do I make my money last? L-Life Ltd, in conjunction with the SSTA, would like to invite you to a free virtual workshop concentrating on the decisions you will/are being faced…
Pension pot

Pension Consultation – closes 11 October 2020

The Government are currently consulting with all members of the public sector pension schemes which includes the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme. This is regarding the unjustified age discrimination in relation to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 pension scheme. Within the consultation they are asking you, the scheme member, to make a choice. It's very important that you understand what this choice is and the implications that it could have. The consultation paper is 74 pages long and can be summarised…