
Day of Action

Dear Colleagues, A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time yesterday to stand on wet and windy streets throughout Scotland and publicise our opposition to the planned theft from public sector pensions. The event in Edinburgh was…
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Day of Action 30th November

Given the expected size of the Marches in Edinburgh and Glasgow it is suggested that members assemble as a group rather than attempt to meet under the SSTA banner at the official assembly areas.
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Members who are about to embark on maternity leave

Dear Colleagues In view of the fact that a very small number of our members who are about to embark on maternity leave may be in danger of compromising their Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). It has been decided that all…
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Explanation of the effect of one strike day on pensions

One day strike will reduce your pension* by only £2.19 a year *For a teacher at the top of the maingrade scale A further £6.57 will be lost from any lump sum. Effect on pensionable salary for those who are…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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