
Education Secretary announces changes to Glow Network.

This afternoon, Michael Russell, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, made an announcement outlining the Scottish Government's key objectives for ICT in education and his plans for the next generation of Glow. This included stopping the current Glow…
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HSE: School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tackling the health and safety Myths

Dear Colleague School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tackling the health and safety Myths In July this year, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published a statement "School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tacking the health and safety myths"…
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GTCS Launches Consultations on Fitness to Teach and Codes of Practice

The General Teaching Council for Scotland has today launched three consultations on proposed changes to important areas of its work. The first consultation is on new Fitness to Teach and Appeals Rules. These rules set out the framework for how…
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Government Proposals for Public Sector Pensions

Current situation Much publicity has attached to the Government’s proposals for changes to state sector pensions. This has increased following the industrial action taken by some unions in England. (Given that the day of action was during the holiday period…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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