
Cornmarket Protect

We are delighted to let you know that today sees the launch of Cornmarket Protect for our members. Using the combined buying power of the SSTA and Cornmarket we have been able to bring you a range of insurance cover…
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The SSTA has been advised that there will be industrial action by education support staff unions next week in many local authorities. It is unlawful for any member of the SSTA to take industrial action where the SSTA has not…
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SSTA Members Briefings – September 2023

The SSTA has arranged a series of in-person members briefings in September. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers.  This will include the Qualifications and Assessment Review,…
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SSTA Commends Pupils and Teachers

The SSTA commends all pupils and teachers for all their hard work in overcoming all the difficulties created by the pandemic to record results in this year’s national qualifications. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary, said: “Pupils should be pleased with…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

General Insurance Services



Cornmarket Insurance Services have been looking after the general insurance needs of educational professionals for over 30 years. The SSTA have appointed Cornmarket as our official insurance partner so that you can benefit from the offers and range of insurance policies for your car, home, motorbike, and travel needs.

Products from Cornmarket Insurance Services

Extended Legal Service


Membership Offers


NQT - Qualified in 2024

You will receive free membership until January 2026


New Members

50% off subscription fees for the first 12 months of membership


Part-Time Teachers

Pay a reduced subscription fee.  50% off the full-time subscription