
SQA Exams – have your say

You will be aware that the SSTA have been monitoring the Scottish Qualifications Authority over the past session, particularly as Nationals 4 and 5 are being introduced. You will recall our survey of members in January which raised many issues…
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Presidential Address, 70th Annual Congress, 9-10 May 2014

Presidential Address Members, our friends and our distinguished guests from kindred organisations within Scotland and further afield, it is a great honour for me that I stand before you, to some extent by chance, on this, the occasion of the…
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General Secretary

Sheila Mechan’s employment as General Secretary of the association was terminated on Monday 28 April. This follows her formal suspension on April 19th, less than two weeks after taking up her position on April 7th. There had been an  immediate…
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Professional Update

Dear Registrant   Professional Update comes into effect from August 2014. There are a number of things you should do to be ready for Professional Update and this letter and leaflet are designed to help explain them to you. You…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

General Insurance Services



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Membership Offers


NQT - Qualified in 2024

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