
Obituary for David H Eaglesham

David H Eaglesham It is with deep regret that the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association announces the death of former General Secretary, David Eaglesham.  David, aged 63, died peacefully in St Columba’s Hospice on Friday 31 January 2014 after a year…
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Salary Offer

The Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee has met and unanimously agreed to support the revised offer on the 1% + 1% Salary offer.  The Committee took the view that there was nothing significantly different in the new offer that…
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David Eaglesham

The SSTA with great sadness announces the death of their former General Secretary David Eaglesham, 1996 – 2008. Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, today said: “David was an outstanding General Secretary of this Association, taking up office following the death…
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Curriculum for Excellence Crisis in Confidence

The SSTA has today released interim figures following its survey on N4/N5 and the New Higher.  The response to the survey has been overwhelming and it is for this reason that we have decided to issue an interim statement. Acting…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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