Public Sector Pensions

You may be aware of press comments about a 'deal agreed' on public sector pensions. The Government has produced a paper which it sees as a “formal offer”. The vast majority of UK unions are currently considering the Government proposals. The UK Working Party which includes the Scottish unions will meet again in the New Year and any changes or progress will be reported immediately to members.

Senior Managers Seminar, 16 March 2012

The Senior Managers Advisory Panel is holding a Senior Mangers Seminar in March 2012. The Seminar is an all day event, which will take place on Friday 16 March at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld, and is free to SSTA members.

The theme of the seminar will be the Management of Change to Conditions of Service.

Should members wish to attend the seminar they can register for a place by completing a form online here no later than Friday 2 March 2012. Alternatively you can contact the office for an application form.

SQA - Scottish Baccalaureates

The Scottish Baccalaureates in Science and Languages have been available for delivery since August 2009 and, based on their success, SQA, directed by the Scottish Government, intends to offer all pupils studying at Advanced Higher level the opportunity to choose a Baccalaureate in a suitable subject area. It is, therefore, the intention to expand Baccalaureate provision by broadening the existing two awards and by developing two new awards in Social Sciences and Expressive Arts, all to be available for delivery from August 2012.

Debate on Public Sector Pensions

The smaller parties at Westminster have forced a debate on Public Sector Pensions by pooling their allocated time on Thursday 8th December. You may be interested in the debate, and in how your local MP responds. This would be a good opportunity to raise the issue with MPs. I intend to write to my MP asking him to explain the reasons for the position he adopted in the debate, and how he intends to work to protect teachers' pensions. Please consider increasing the political pressure by writing to your MP about this issue.

Best wishes

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary

Day of Action

Dear Colleagues,

A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time yesterday to stand on wet and windy streets throughout Scotland and publicise our opposition to the planned theft from public sector pensions. The event in Edinburgh was very well attended and good humoured, albeit a bit cold and windy (typical Edinburgh weather really), and reports are coming in of the same marvellous support and good humour across the country. Most remote report so far comes from Rosemary who reports a march and rally in Kirkwall after picketing in Stromness. Prize for dedication goes to Derek Connelly who travelled from Moray to Edinburgh for the march.

Day of Action 30th November

Given the expected size of the Marches in Edinburgh and Glasgow it is suggested that members assemble as a group rather than attempt to meet under the SSTA banner at the official assembly areas.

Members who are about to embark on maternity leave

Dear Colleagues

In view of the fact that a very small number of our members who are about to embark on maternity leave may be in danger of compromising their Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP). It has been decided that all members about to go on maternity leave are exempted from the obligation to go on strike.

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary

Explanation of the effect of one strike day on pensions

One day strike will reduce your pension* by only £2.19 a year

*For a teacher at the top of the maingrade scale

A further £6.57 will be lost from any lump sum.

Effect on pensionable salary for those who are within ten years of retirement = nil

Questions about Strike Action

The Association will inform your employer of the result of the ballot and the number of members in each establishment likely to take strike action on 30 November.

Your employer will inform the Head Teacher of the number of employees taking action on that day. There is no need for members to inform their line manager, or to add to the information provided by the Association.