General Secretary responds to the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Mike Russell

Dear Colleagues,

You may have been aware of recent attacks on this organisation by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Mike Russell.

Long memories are a rare asset in politics.   Mr Russell was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2007 as a list MSP.   He was elected by 27.8% of the 58% who voted, perhaps 15% of the electorate.

The Cabinet Secretary has felt it necessary to twice mention the SSTA in his recent pronouncements.   The cynic among you will doubtless say ‘we must be getting things right'.   Perhaps more than the cynics, in fact!

27% of members took the time to vote in our indicative ballot, held during the last week of a very long and tiring session.   95% of those who voted were in favour of a formal ballot.

We are currently working on a ballot paper which will allow all members to express an opinion on future action.   In the meantime I will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

With best wishes



General Secretary

Special offer for new members

Join Now and get 50% OFF Subscription Fees for the First 12 months.

We believe that it is essential that the views of secondary teachers are firmly represented.   Secondary teaching is not simply more specialised primary teaching.   The current problems associated with CfE should make this clear.   If you wish your views as a secondary teacher to be fully represented, there is only one union you can join.   Join the SSTA now!

Every member has direct and immediate access to full-time union officials who are always ready to advise and support members with problems or queries in relation to their employment.   We do not use our school representatives to provide advice on highly technical (or confidential) issues. Not all unions can offer this facility.

All new members to the Association can benefit from our new special offer of 50% off the normal subscription for the first 12 months of paid membership when sending a completed direct debit instruction with their application.   This represents a saving of up to £89.40 a year based on current 2010 subscription paying by monthly direct debit.

To join the SSTA you can complete an online enrolment form here. This offer is available to new members only.

Pension Proposals Update

Recent press reports suggest that the Government may be planning to amend the legislation to break the current link between annual increases in pension payments and the RPI, replacing it with a link to the much lower CPI.

Teacher unions throughout the UK are working together to stop this proposal ever happening.   At present the campaign is being conducted through the Pensions Working Group and is of a very technical and legal nature.   If this is unsuccessful a more direct campaign will be launched.   At present however our focus is on refuting the claims of ‘gold-plated pensions' we keep reading about.   It may interest you to know that the majority of pensions paid to teachers across the UK provide a gold-plated £9000 per annum, or less.

Updates will be posted on the website and sent to members by email at the end of the summer.   In the meantime if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at

16+ Learning Choices Policy and Practice Framework

16+ Learning Choices is being implemented across Scotland as the Scottish Government's mechanism for ensuring an offer of a place in post-16 learning for every young person who wants it.   The 16+ Learning Choices Policy and Practice Framework has been developed to support implementation and sustainable delivery.   It sets out the Scottish Government's policy on 16+ Learning Choices; its expectations for implementation; and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the wide range of partners involved in supporting young people in the Senior Phase of Curriculum for Excellence to progress into positive and sustained post-16 destinations.

The Framework is designed   to guide national agencies and local partnerships in their detailed strategic and operational planning; and to establish more formal agreements for local implementation and sustainable delivery.   You can access a copy of the Framework here.

Indicative Ballot on Industrial Action but not Strike Action

Indicative Ballot on Industrial Action but not Strike Action: Closing Date 25 June 2010

The Association has had a series of meetings with the Cabinet Secretary over the last few months to explain our concerns over the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. At every stage we have been clear about what teachers need to successfully implement the new curriculum. With less than two weeks left of this term little progress has been made and huge concerns remain. An indicative ballot is the first stage in our balloting procedure. A full postal ballot on industrial action would follow if the indicative ballot shows the required support. In order to speed the balloting process members are asked to use the electronic response mechanism where possible. Executive request that you take a few minutes to express your opinion on the need for industrial action (short of strike action) in order to force the Scottish Government to provide:
  • Detailed guidance from the subject excellence groups to enable teachers to plan effective courses.
  • Clear information regarding assessment and moderation during the early years of secondary.
  • Adequate and relevant assessment materials externally produced where required.
  • Clear guidance on the mechanisms and criteria to be used in reporting to parents of pupils in the early years of secondary.
  • A full review of the National Qualification proposals, taking into account the views of teachers, parents and employers. The SSTA believes that the current proposal for wholly internal assessment at the new level 4 is divisive and detrimental to the future of those pupils assessed   at Level 4.
  • Unambiguous statement that the point at which pupils will begin working towards national qualifications (the middle phase of secondary education) is the start of S3.
  • An indefinite delay on the implementation of the profiling proposals.
It is absolutely essential that all members in the state sector vote in the indicative ballot. Members are aware of the damage that current proposals will cause to our education system. Teachers must act: they must act now.

Vote YES! Tell the Scottish Government that SSTA members are not prepared to gamble with the future of tens of thousands of young Scottish citizens.

You can cast your vote in the ballot by visiting and completing the form. The ballot closes at 4pm on the 25 June 2010.

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary

Teacher Union Ballots on New Curriculum

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, representing 8500 Secondary Teachers, is to hold an indicative ballot on the Scottish Government's proposals for a new curriculum for Scottish schools.

Following a meeting of the Executive Committee today SSTA General Secretary, Ann Ballinger commented "Our members will be balloted on the same issues which have concerned us since the early days of the Curriculum for Excellence proposals, namely:

  • Inadequate curriculum guidance for teachers planning the implementation of this initiative.
  • A complete lack of information about assessment in the first years of secondary schooling.
  • No proposed structure or guidelines for reporting attainment to parents in the crucial first stage of secondary education.
  • No clear guidance about the point at which pupils can commence National Qualification courses.
  • Profiling and reporting proposals which reintroduce a discredited process, with serious workload implications for both teachers and pupils.
  • A proposed national qualification system which fails to provide equality of opportunity for all young people working at the new national levels 4 & 5."
Mrs Ballinger continued "Executive are not convinced by assurances offered at a recent meeting with the Cabinet Secretary. Teachers are being asked to produce and implement new courses with no clear guidance on new forms of assessment for S1. The ‘end product' of qualifications is 4 years away but teachers have to provide meaningful assessment for S1 courses beginning in August. Before beginning a journey it is essential to, at the very least, have a map and a first destination in mind."

The ballot will be conducted over the next 2 weeks with a result expected by Friday 25 June. Members will be asked if they are prepared to be balloted on industrial action short of strike action.

Further Information from:

Ann Ballinger, General Secretary

Bulletin no 418/10 - 28 May 2010


Many of you will have received a copy of the Association CfE survey by email.

The Association hopes to use this method of communication as often as possible

for 2 reasons

To reduce our carbon footprint To reduce our postal costs and to assist in maintaining

our annual subscription at the lowest possible rate.

If you are willing to participate in this method of communication, please email

the office at, add "carbon footprint" to the subject box and

add your name and preferred email address in the text box.


2. CONGRESS 2010

Congress was held in Peebles on 7/8 May. Major items included:-

Lindsay Paterson, Professor of Education Policy, University of Edinburgh addressed

Congress on Curriculum for Excellence and answered questions from members of Congress.

The Association thanks Lindsay for his address which was thought-provoking and

particularly well received.

The Association's representatives were joined by guests from other unions, the

political parties and the local authority (Scottish Borders Council) who generously

provided a civic reception.

The following motions were approved by Congress:-

Motion A

This Association is concerned that the way Curriculum for Excellence is being

interpreted in some quarters is in danger of turning it into Curriculum for Mediocrity.

We are alarmed by plans to extend some teaching methods beyond their range of

effectiveness with opportunities to advance becoming retrograde steps.

If pupils are to make real progress, the first three years of secondary school

should not be seen as a further three years of primary school.

Motion B

The SSTA calls on the GTCS and the Scottish Government to protect the status of

subject specialist teachers. This is vital to alleviate the potential damage resulting

from blurring of curricular areas in CfE and from the creation of faculty structures.

Motion C

Congress calls upon the Scottish Parliament to legislate to ensure that the appointment

of the Chief Executive of the General Teaching Council for Scotland is subject

to confirmation at four yearly intervals by teachers whose subscriptions fund

the Council.

Motion D

This Association reaffirms its view that pupils in secondary schools are best

served when taught by teachers who are professionally qualified subject specialists.

The SSTA will support any members who feel pressured into acting in a way which

they feel is unprofessional in this respect.

Motion E

Congress notes with alarm the cut-backs in local authority funding and the resulting

impact upon schools, students and staff. The Association calls upon the UK and

Scottish Government and Local Authorities to ensure that schools are adequately


Motion F

Congress notes with concern that recent research indicates a possible correlation

between young people's exposure to sexualised imagery in society and their body

image perception and attitudes towards women. Congress calls for schools to consider

ways in which they can use and promote appropriate and healthy images of both

men and women.

Motion G

This Association calls on the Scottish Qualification Authority to ensure that

any person marking or moderating internal SQA course material has received appropriate

training before they are given this responsibility.

Motion H

This Association demands that the Scottish Qualification Authority pays appropriate

fees to markers involved in internal marking related to SQA course awards. The

Association would welcome the opportunity to be involved in the negotiations with

the SQA relating to such fees.

Motion I

Congress fully endorses the articles of The United Nations Convention on the Rights

of the Child and calls upon teachers to support its implementation in schools.

Congress reiterates its commitment to ensuring that all who learn in, work in

and visit our schools can do so in a safe and healthy environment.

Motion J

This Association continues to note with regret the very significant amount of

low level indiscipline in Scottish secondary schools. The Association welcomes

recent moves to tackle more serious indiscipline but the government must be made

aware of the extent of the problem caused by this low level indiscipline.

It is noted that many hours of valuable teaching time are spent in addressing

this issue. The Association asks that the government and Local Authorities recognise

the challenges posed to learning and teaching in many schools by providing additional


Motion K

This Association calls upon the Scottish Government to honour the commitment to

restrict S1/S2 English and Maths classes to a maximum of twenty.

Motion M

East Lothian Council is considering transferring all its schools to Community

Trust status which they hope will give them the benefits of charitable status.

This Association will oppose any proposal by local authorities to transfer their

schools to trust status. We urge the Scottish Government to defeat any such move.

Motion O

This Association will consider all courses of action possible, including industrial

action in the event of threats of compulsory teacher redundancies by Local Authorities

Motion P

This Association calls on all Local Authorities in Scotland to provide adequate

training on personal safety for all teachers in view of the continued increase

in violence in schools

Motion R

The SSTA values moves made by local authorities to encourage collegiality in schools

across Scotland. To develop collegiate working further, and in line with the practice

of including parents in appointment procedures, Congress calls on local authorities

to involve staff representatives (approved by teaching unions) in the appointment

of Senior Managers in schools.

Congress also approved three emergency motions:-

Emergency Motion 1

Congress condemns attempts by the Government to impose on the GTCS a duty to "re-accredit"

teachers. Congress rejects any assertion that the GTCS currently "accredits".

It does not. It "registers". Congress sees attempts to "re-accredit" as no more

than a threat to teachers and condemns the GTCS for its failure to immediately,

decisively and vigorously reject the Government's proposals.

Congress notes that the GTCS rightly has the authority to remove a teacher from

the Register under its current disciplinary and competence arrangements.

Emergency Motion 2

The Association reaffirms the position taken at Congress 2009, (in particular

with reference to Emergency Motion 1 and Motion H) to institute a ballot on Industrial

Action if sufficient progress on Curriculum for Excellence was not made.

Congress therefore authorises Executive to initiate a ballot on Industrial Action,

if in the view of Executive, satisfactory progress has not been made by June 1st

2010 towards meeting our demands for:

The provision of a list of the core skills to be taught for every subject area.

The establishment of working groups, comprising experienced classroom teachers,

developing core material for each subject.

Clear and unequivocal information on curriculum structures and exact information

on the stage at which work for national qualifications will start.

Emergency Motion 3

This Association compliments those local authorities who have agreed on a collegiate

basis to support staff stranded abroad in unique and exceptional circumstances

of flight disruption because of volcanic eruptions.


  Membership Subscriptions £1,044,844
  Other income

£ 48,447

  *Annual Operating Costs £1,143,923

  SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ( £50,632)

  *including: In respect of Acting General Secretary/General Secretary:


£30,000/ £42,000

  Superannuation and NIC

£5,978.09/ £6392.68

  Employee's Superannuation contributions £6,867.80/ £2520.00

  Key Person's life policy premium

£ 1,529.49

  Essential user's car allowance


  Honoraria to elected Office Bearers:

  General Treasurer

£ 7,750

  Minutes Secretary £ 5,600

  President £ 2,250


  The Association does not maintain a political fund.



We have audited the financial statements of Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association

for the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the Cash Flow Statement, Income

and Expenditure Account, the Balance Sheet and the related notes. These financial

statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out


This report is made exclusively to the members, as a body, and to the Association's

Finance Committee, as a body. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might

state to the members and the Association's Finance Committee those matters we

are required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility

to anyone other than the Association, its members as a body and its Finance Committee

as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.


The responsibilities of the Finance Committee for preparing the Finance Committee's

Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and

United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting

Practice) and for being satisfied that the financial statements give a true and

fair view are set out in the Statement of Finance Committee's Responsibilities.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant

legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK

and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true

and fair view, have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally

Accepted Accounting Practice. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the information

given in the Finance Committee's Annual Report is consistent with the financial


We also report to you if, in our opinion, the Association has not kept adequate

and proper accounting records, if the Association's financial statements are not

in agreement with these accounting records, if we have not received all the information

and explanations we require for our audit, or if certain disclosures of Finance

Committee's remuneration specified by law are not made. We read the Finance Committee's

Annual Report and consider the implications for our report if we become aware

of any apparent misstatements within it.


We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing

(UK and Ireland) Issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination,

on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial

statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments

made by the Finance Committee in the preparation of the financial statement and

of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Association's circumstances,

consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit

so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary

in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that

the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by

fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated

the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements


In our opinion:

  • the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Association's

    affairs as at 31 December 2009;

  • and of its incoming resources and application of resources, including its

    income and expenditure, for the year then ended;

  • the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with

    United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; ·the financial statements

    have been prepared in accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations

    (Consolidation) Act 1992; and

  • the information given in the Finance Committee's Annual Report is consistent

    with the financial statements.

Tindell, Grant & Co Registered Auditors 6 Munro Road Springkerse Stirling FK7




Approximately 27% of members responded to these surveys, giving detailed information

which considerably enhanced the Association's stated position on both issues.

The issues raised have already been discussed with the Cabinet Secretary and will

be used in more detailed talks later this month. Summary papers have also been

produced which will be presented as evidence to COSLA and the Scottish Government

during May and June.

Our grateful thanks go to every member who took the time to complete the survey

during a very busy term. We will keep you informed of progress on both issues.


78.2 % of teachers worked at least 40 hrs during the weeks chosen, and none

of them reported these as particularly busy weeks. Many actually reported the

chosen week as being ‘quiet'.

Over 24 % worked between 40 and 45hrs; 28%+ worked between 45 and 50 hrs and 15.9%

between 50 and 55 hrs. An extremely worrying 10.25% of members who responded report

regularly working in excess of 55 hrs per week, on a regular basis.

The most commonly reported reasons for the extra hours are administration, pupil

indiscipline, covering for absent colleagues, HMIE visits, marking NABs and folios.

A number of members used the comment section of the survey to highlight serious

issues. Please remember your professional officers are here to help you. Please

contact us immediately if: you have been the victim of violence and have not

been supported effectively by the SMT; you are considering resigning due to

difficulties with your line manager; you are asked to accept an unreasonable

workload; you are threatened or harassed by a parent or pupil; you are subjected

to accusations of misconduct or if any issue arises which causes you concern

and is not suitably dealt with by your line manager. Please telephone in an

emergency. It is helpful to contact us by email at and we will

respond within 24 hours


All members who retire during the summer are asked to notify the Association office

( of the fact. Members who are transferring schools are asked

to do the same.

We take this opportunity to wish members who are retiring a long, healthy and

happy retirement.

Members who are retiring but who may take up irregular temporary work as a teacher

("supply" as it is generally termed) are advised to retain part-time membership

at the prevailing half rate.

It is also possible to retain membership as a retired member at the same rate.

The Association's free legal advisory service, Lawline, is free and confidential.

To make use of the service telephone 07770 748556 or email


Members who have changes to their personal details are asked to notify the Association

office in writing or email

This is particularly important due to the possibility of a ballot of members on

Industrial Action regarding the lack of sufficient progress on Curriculum for

Excellence. (See Emergency Motion 2 which was approved by Congress 2010.)

On behalf of the President and Council, we wish all members a well deserved, restful

and enjoyable summer break.


ANN BALLINGER General Secretary



Happy, healthy teachers make better teachers

Teacher Support Scotland is an independent charity who believes happy, healthy

teachers make better teachers. In a time when everyone is looking to cut their

costs, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that school staff are the

backbone of the education system and should be given the support needed to be

their best, particularly during times of change and uncertainty. We provide 24

hour coaching and counselling, have over 1000 factsheets on our website and develop

resources that help improve whole of school staff wellbeing. The best thing is

that these services are all free, so you can look after yourself and your colleagues

without spending a penny. Get in touch with our Edinburgh office to find out how

we can help you and your school or see the enclosed leaflet for more information.

Teacher Support Scotland 0131 6674058

Need someone to talk to? Call our confidential telephone Support Line free on

0800 5642270 or email an advisor via

Teacher Support Scotland is a registered charity (no.SCO32500) and we desperately

need your help to continue our important work. Help us spread the word by ordering

leaflets for your school and consider making a donation on the back of the leaflet


SQA Subject Working Groups










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Subject Working Groups - Have Your Say

Work to develop the new national qualifications, which will support Curriculum for Excellence, is well underway and stakeholders have the opportunity to be directly involved in the qualifications development process.

SQA is setting up Subject Working Groups (SWGs) in subject areas to participate in the development of the products for the new qualifications and is looking for teaching professionals to assist in this work.

SWGs will be established from summer 2010 to carry out discrete pieces of work, for example, the rationale and course summary, Unit specification or Unit support packs for a particular subject area.  They will be directed by the relevant Qualifications Design Teams (QDTs) who are working on the design of qualifications within individual subjects.

If you or your colleagues are interested in helping to develop the next generation of National Qualifications, submit a ‘Register of Interest' form available on the SQA website.

SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports


The first of SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports are now available to view on the dedicated Curriculum for Excellence pages of the SQA website.  


The Reports represent the next stage in the development process of the next generation of national qualifications to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and are an important opportunity for all stakeholders to provide their feedback on the development.   A feedback facility is available on the SQA website.


Reports have been published for seven of the eight curriculum areas: expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages, mathematics, sciences, social studies and technologies as well as for literacy and numeracy.  Work on the report for religious and moral education is continuing and this will be published in July.


The Reports outline the research and targeted engagement that has taken place with stakeholders and

give recommendations on the scope, skills and issues within each curriculum area.


Each report will inform the development of the Overview document and Suites of Courses for its curriculum area.  SQA's qualifications design teams will then take the recommendations forward into the design of qualifications within individual subjects such as French, Physics or History.


To keep up-to-date with the latest Curriculum for Excellence news and reports you can sign up for the MyAlerts facility which provides notification of updates to the web pages.