
Member Bulletin - 6 February 2025

SNCT Pay Claim 2025-2026

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions Committee will be presenting a case for a restorative pay claim for 2025-2026 at the SNCT Teachers’ Side meeting on Friday. The SSTA position is for a pay claim that is above the 3.5% Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) figure plus a significant % increase in restoring teacher salaries to the ‘true’ value seen in the past.
The SNCT Teachers’ Side (the teacher unions) will agree a pay claim and seek early negotiations with the employers (COSLA) to ensure a settlement before the 1 August pay date.
SPPA Teacher Pension Benefit Statements
The SSTA has been informed that it is the intention of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) to update all Benefit Statements by the end of March this year. Teacher Pension Benefit Statements will be sent to members either electronically or by post.  It is therefore essential that all members check that their SPPA contact details are correct.
Follow the link to the log in on the SPPA website to view your pension information and update your personal details

‘Reasonable Adjustment’ at work survey - Reminder

Employers must make reasonable adjustments for disabled employees or potential employees who apply for jobs. The purpose of adjustments is to remove or reduce barriers to a disabled employee performing the job well. Reasonable adjustments are specific to an individual person. They can be for physical or mental health conditions.

The SSTA is seeking information from members who have sought ‘reasonable adjustments’ and had changes made or refused. Please help by completing this short survey to close on Friday 21 February.

Pre-Retirement Seminars

These seminars are for members who are considering retirement in the next few years and seeking further information. Stuart McCullough an Independent Financial Advisor, and an expert on the Teachers’ Pension scheme will be presenting the seminars.

 Please follow the links above to reserve your place.

‘GLOW’ Accounts

It has been brought to out attention that some members using their ‘Glow’ email accounts as their preferred SSTA email contact address are not receiving messages from the Association. I would ask all members to check with SSTA colleagues to see if they are receiving emails from the SSTA. If they are not, they need to contact SSTA and update their details on the SSTA website.

(Please forward this bulletin to colleagues in this position)

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