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SSTA Vacancy: National Casework Officer

NATIONAL CASEWORK OFFICER We are looking for a full-time National Casework Officer who can communicate effectively, interact well with other people and who can work as part of a team. The successful candidate will also have familiarity with the operation and ethos of a trade union, SNCT Conditions of Service and should have a sound knowledge of the Scottish education system. . The post is based in Edinburgh and attracts a current salary of £62,022 per annum. A defined contribution…
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SNCT Pay Offer Accepted by Teacher Unions

The SNCT Teachers’ Side met this morning and unanimously accepted the pay offer of 4.27% for all SNCT grades from 1 August 2024. This position was stated at a meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, the employers, and Scottish Government) that followed.  The teacher side expected that the payment would be made as soon a s possible as the payment date had passed. The SNCT pay circular is to be finalised with the teacher side ensuring that…

50 Years of the Health and Safety at Work Act

The SSTA welcome over seventy delegates and guests to The Stirling Court Hotel as it celebrates fifty years of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Keynote speeches include Risk Assessment and Supporting Mental Health of Colleagues. Grant McAllister SSTA Health and Safety Convenor said. “When the Health and Safety at Work Act was introduced, its purpose was to prevent physical harm, illness, and injury. Trade unions supported members to make sure employers protected their workers for dangerous practices and procedures for…

SSTA Votes Overwhelmingly to Accept Pay Offer

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee reluctantly agreed to recommend acceptance of the 4.27% offer to members as the Committee felt this was the best deal that could be achieved at this time. The ballot returned with 91% of SSTA members voting to accept the pay offer for 2024-2025. Paul Cochrane SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Convenor said. “The SSTA members have supported the Committee’s recommendation and voted overwhelmingly to accept the pay offer. The Committee will inform the…
Online voting, Smartphone as a box for Internet voting and e-ballot in the form of a hologram with a check mark. Electronic voting technology concept. 3D render, 3D illustration

Consultative Ballot - 2 September Pay Offer

Email invitations to take part in the Consultative Ballot on the 2 September pay offer have been sent out to members who are employed by a Local Authority at 1.15pm this afternoon.   The Consultative Ballot will close at 12.00pm on Tuesday 10 September 2024. If you have already responded to the consultative ballot, thank you for taking the time to do so. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee reluctantly agreed to recommend acceptance of the 4.27% offer to members. The…

SSTA response to the Employers 2024-2025 Pay Offer

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met and carefully considered the latest pay offer for 2024-2025 from the employers (COSLA) received on 2 September. The Committee reluctantly agreed to recommend acceptance of the 4.27% offer to members. An online consultative ballot will commence on Thursday 5 September to seek members approval.  Although there were reservations expressed at the meeting, due to the current financial climate, accompanied by COSLA stating this was a full and final offer, the Committee felt this was…
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Pay Offer Received - 2 Sept 2024

The employers have made an improved pay offer of 4.27% for all SNCT grades from 1st August 2024. The SSTA Salaries & Conditions of Service Committee will be considering the offer in advance of the SNCT teachers side meeting later this week. Please see COSLA pay offer here.  Further updates to follow.

Member Bulletin - 23 August 2024

1 August Pay Settlement Date – Missed The SNCT Teachers’ Side met today to discuss the next steps in resolving this year’s pay settlement. A pay settlement was due on 1 August 2024 and COSLA, after 6 months of reminders from the Teachers’ Side, made an unacceptable initial offer in June. With the summer break arriving, there was no offer tabled for the due date of 1 August.  An improved pay offer for this year has failed to materialise and the…
A student holding their phone in the classroom

Member Bulletin 15 August 2024

Welcome to the new school session with many changes on the horizon with the Education Bill and forthcoming changes to National Qualifications. Today we have the launch of relationships and behaviour action plan and mobile guidance.  Relationships and Behaviour Action Plan The action plan has been developed by the Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS). The action plan draws together a wide range of actions which are to be taken in response to the range of…
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Newsletter - June 2024

The June 2024 SSTA Newsletter is now available for members to download. The newsletter includes articles on: Presidential Address to Congress 2024 Report of the General Secretary Motions Passed at Congress 2024 Financial Statement to members Health and Safety Reps Training Fund education: An urgent appeal to the G7