
In severe winter weather you may have problems travelling to school. It is important to balance your safety with your employer’s right to expect you to attend work, but safety must always be the most important consideration.   Members are advised to take the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have a copy of the Local Authority procedure for inclement weather and follow the advice in the document.
  2. Listen to official advice about travel and assess the risks for you.
  3. It is essential that you follow Police Scotland Travel Warnings
  4. Following reports of severe weather, schools should make decisions on school closures prior to the day. To wait until the day is ‘foolhardy’ and is putting pupils, parents and staff at unnecessary risk.
  5. Check the appropriate website for school closure advice.
  6. If you are unable to use your usual form of transport, contact the school, explain the situation and inform them that you intend to seek an alternative safe method of travel (if necessary, by leaving a message on the answering machine or by email).
  7. If other methods of transport are impossible contact the school again and inform them, you intend to work from home and keep a record of work done.
  8. Contact the office at or 0131 313 7300 for further advice