
Margaret Smith's Presidential Address - Congress 2013

It seems almost inconceivable that two years have passed since Peter Wright called me ‘Muggins’ and pinned the President’s badge on me – -and what a two years they have been Following my last Congress address I was described in…
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Working Time Agreements 2013/14

Members are reminded that the season of Working Time Agreements is here. Given the increasing workload implications of National 4 and 5, it would be advisable to review the allocation of time in the school agreement devoted to curriculum development…
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Increase in Employee Pension Contributions

As from April 1st 2013 the following increases to employee pension contributions will apply. Full Time Equivalentpensionable pay Contribution rate 2012/13 Contribution rate 2013/14 Contribution rateincrease against 2012/13 Up to £14,999 6.4% 6.4% 0% £15,000 to £25,999 7.0% 7.0% 0%…
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National Qualification's Survey

The Association is conducting a survey of members to find out how prepared they are for the delivery of the new courses next session. The survey should take no longer than a couple of minutes to complete.
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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