
Pension Proposal Condemned

Today the SSTA joined colleagues in other Trades Unions to condemn the launch of a consultation on proposed increases to contribution rates for Scottish teachers' pension scheme.
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School Car Park

The SSTA today announced that it is conducting a survey of local authority and independent schools acceptance of liability for injury sustained by employees in untreated car parking areas in schools. The Association is concerned that there are an alarming…
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Council - 1 December 2012

1. Council approved the nominations of James Forbes (Midlothian) for President and Robert Macmillan (Fife) for Vice President. There being no other nominations both are duly elected for 2013-2015. Congratulations to both.
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SPPA STSS Circular 2012/10

The SPPA have today issued a circular to raise awareness of a cold calling phone scam and make clear that SPPA does not cold call scheme members and pensioners. The circular can be downloaded from the SPPA website
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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