
Seamus Searson Re-elected as General Secretary

The SSTA are pleased to announce the re-election of Seamus Searson as General Secretary of the SSTA, Scotland only specialist Union for Secondary Teachers. Mr Searson was re-elected unopposed for a second 5 year term of office, following nominations received…
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Subjects and ‘Multi-Course’ Teaching

The SSTA conducted a survey of members in June following the end of the National Qualification cycle on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in particular subjects in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a subject hierarchy in…
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National Qualifications and ‘Multi-Course’ Teaching

The SSTA conducted a survey of members in June following the end of the National Qualification cycle on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a wide disparity of practice in each…
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Members Bulletin - 20 September 2019

National Qualifications - Multi-Course Teaching  The SSTA conducted a members survey at the end of the last session on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a wide disparity of practice across…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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