
The General Treasurer informed Council in December 2015, that subscriptions would increase from April 2016 by 10 pence per month for full-time members and by 5 pence per month for part-time, temporary, job-share or supply contracts and retired members.

The reduced annual subscription for 2016 for full-time members will be £168.00 and £84.00 for part-time, temporary, job-share, supply and retired members, if their fees are paid by annual direct debit or cheque by 31 January 2016.  This saving is clearly of advantage to members and is only available to those who pay before the end of January.

The rates for 2016 are as follows:
Full-time members
£168.00 if paid annually by 31 January 2016, or £183.30 if paid afterwards;
£15.20 per month January to March,  £15.30 per month from April 2016, when paid by monthly direct debit.

Retired, part-time, job-share, temporary or supply members:
£84.00 if paid annually by 31 January 2016, or £91.65 if paid afterwards;
£7.60 per month January to March and then £7.65 per month from April, when paid by monthly direct debit.

Full details of subscriptions rates can be found below.

Membership Costs 2016


Annual Payers

Full Members £168.00

Temporary, Part-time, Job-share or supply members £84.00

Retiring Members £84.00

(Available only to members who intend to retire between 1 January and the last day of summer vacation. Thereafter the membership rate will be pro-rata until the end of the subscription year (December) Temporary, Part-time, Job-share or Supply members £84.00)

Monthly Payers

Full members £15.20 January to March, £15.30 from April'16

Temporary, Part-time, Job-share or supply members £7.60 January to March, £7.65 from April'16 .

Month of Joining Full-Time Temporary, Part-time, Job share, supply
February £168.00 £84.00
March £152.90 £76.45
April £137.70 £68.85
May £122.40 £61.20
June £107.10 £53.55
July £91.80 £45.90
August £76.50 £38.25
September £61.20 £30.60
October £45.90 £22.95
November £30.60 £15.30
December £15.30 £7.65