
2018 Pay Claim - Retention, Recruitment and Restoration

Update on 2018 Pay Claim for Teachers

The SSTA conducted a pay survey of members in December and published the findings on 23 January 2018

The members survey highlighted the need for a substantial pay increase, the excessive workload placed upon teachers, the high number of members who had considered or are considering leaving the profession and the readiness of members to take industrial action. The survey confirmed the position of SSTA and the ‘pushing at every door’ for a substantial pay increase for teachers with ‘retention’ the priority.

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met on 2 February 2018 to consider the information contained within the survey and submitted the following to the teachers’ side of Scottish Negotiating Committee Teachers (SNCT):

  • First priority Retention
  • Second priority Recruitment of teachers
  • The restoration of teachers’ pay (20%+)
  • A common % increase for all teachers at all grades
  • Parity for unpromoted teachers with FE lecturers of £40,000+
  • A major reduction in teacher workload

The teacher unions discussed their positions and agreed an SNCT Pay Claim at a meeting on 5 February 2018.

The claim was submitted to the management side (COSLA and Government) at a full SNCT meeting on Thursday 8 February 2018. The management side received the claim and teachers’ side are awaiting a response from COSLA/Government in early March.

The SSTA is working through the SNCT in progressing the 2018 pay claim and following the outcome of the negotiations the SSTA will be seeking the views of its members and the action they are prepared to take.

The SSTA will continue to lobby all sides to achieve a successful outcome and will continue to keep members informed of developments.