Subjects and ‘Multi-Course’ Teaching

The SSTA conducted a survey of members in June following the end of the National Qualification cycle on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in particular subjects in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a subject hierarchy in Scottish Secondary Schools that highlighted an unfairness to both teachers and pupils. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “this survey has highlighted the subject hierarchy within National Qualifications that exists in schools and the challenges teachers face in trying to…

SSTA Survey - National 5

The SSTA is conducting a survey of members who have been involved in the teaching of the ‘New’ National 5 Qualification. Last year SSTA members predicted a high level of increased workload because of the changes to National 5 qualification.  It is now important following the implementation of the new qualification to assess the true impact on workload for teachers and the impact on pupils. This survey will be used in discussion with the Deputy First Minister, Government Officials and…

SSTA Guidance ‘Action Short of Strike Action’ - Phase 4

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action Phase 4 - March 2017 SSTA members are continuing to take industrial action to reduce teacher workload and two new initiatives are being introduced into Secondary Schools alongside the SQA changes at National 5. These initiatives have not been included in School Improvement Plans or Working Time Agreements for 2016–2017 sessions. SSTA is reminding members that new initiatives must have time assigned for the tasks to be undertaken. SQA changes to National…

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action - Phase 3

SSTA Guidance - Action Short of Strike Action Phase 3 - March 2017 SQA Payments for Marking Coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses SSTA members are continuing to take industrial action to reduce teacher workload and SSTA wishes to support members by clarify the situation regarding the proposal ‘SQA Payments for Marking Coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses’. The Marking of coursework in Technical and Computing Studies Courses is an issue SSTA has raised on a number of…

SSTA Survey on SQA changes to National 5 Qualifications

In addition to the report in today’s Times Education Supplement (Scotland) the SSTA has written to John Swinney, Deputy First Minister, asking for an urgent review of the changes to National 5 Qualifications introduced by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and intended for implementation in 2017-2018 session. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “The SSTA welcomed the decision of the Minister to reduce workload for learners and teachers by making the National 5 Units non-mandatory. However, the solutions announced by…

SQA Changes to National 5 Courses

The SSTA was represented at a meeting of the Assessment and National Qualifications working group on 31 January where SQA gave a presentation on the changes to National 5 Course for the 2017-2018 session. SQA made these changes following consultation with SQA subject groups and feedback to SQA surveys of pupils, teachers and schools. The changes for each National 5 course will result in one or more of the following: extension of the existing question paper extension/modification of the existing…

SSTA Challenges Chief Inspector’s statement on reducing teacher workload

The SSTA conducted a survey of members following the publication on 29 August 2016 of Education Scotland’s “Curriculum for Excellence: A Statement for Practitioners from HM Chief Inspector of Education” document. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “the Chief Inspector’s Statement to Teachers on addressing teacher workload has been widely rejected by secondary school teachers across Scotland”. In response to the survey, 68% of SSTA members said the advice would not have an impact in reducing teacher workload. A further…

Ballot for Industrial Action to Begin

SSTA National Executive has set the date for the start of the formal postal ballot for Industrial Action on reducing Teacher Workload. The Ballot will commence on the 14 September and close on 30 September. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “the National Executive is very much aware of the efforts of the Deputy First Minister to address Teacher Workload and promote Teacher Professional Judgement but Teacher Workload needs to be reduced in the current session”. “The SSTA wishes to…

SSTA Indicative Ballot

The Association's Executive Committee is meeting on Friday 26 August to discuss the details of the formal ballot for Industrial Action.  A statement to members will be made following the meeting. The Indicative Ballot has now closed.  A statement was issued on Tuesday 6 June 2016 Increasing teacher workload has been a major issue for SSTA members over a number of years and the SSTA has continuously pressed for measures to reduce teacher workload. In March 2015,…