SUL - Professional Courses

The SSTA has received additional funding from the Scottish Union Learning Fund for professional courses in the coming weeks. The courses are Tackling Homophobia and an introductory course in Understanding Autism  The Courses are being held in Edinburgh and Glasgow from 5.00 – 8.00pm. There is no cost to members. A list of the courses are note below. Scottish Union Learning Course - Tackling Homophobia - Edinburgh - Thursday, 24 January 2019 - 17:00 - 20:00 Scottish Union Learning -…

SUL Professional Courses

Following the successful programme of professional courses earlier in the year we are able to offer an enhanced programme with support from the Scottish Union Learning Fund. All courses begin at 5.30pm and end at 8.00pm and are free to all members. The programme includes Understanding Mental Health, Understanding Autism, Dementia Awareness and Tackling Homophobia. A list of the courses and dates are noted below.  To book a place on the course, click the link and complete the registration form…