
Re-dedication of International Brigade Memorial Edinburgh

The SSTA has a small group attending the above event on the 12th October led by the President. Details are as follows. 12.30pm: Assemble at eastern entrance to East Princes Street Gardens on Waverley Bridge to march to the International…
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GTCS Council Elections

Executive of the SSTA has agreed that members who wish to stand for election to the GTCS Council are free to indicate in their statements that they are a members of the SSTA
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Article by the President in the SecEd

From the time when I studied teaching in Glasgow, I recall one particular lecture about multiculturalism and diversity. The students were asked to read silently a story written in what appeared to us to be standard English.
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SSTA LGBT Learner of the Year

On Saturday the 17th August the President James Forbes had the great honour of awarding the SSTA prize for LGBT Learner of the Year to Eilidh Nicolson at an Awards ceremony in Ayr.
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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