
Member Bulletin - 28 October 2024

Retirement of Fiona Dalziel  The Association would like to congratulate Fiona Dalziel (Assistant General Secretary) on her retirement at the end of September. Fiona was appointed as a Professional Officer in 2007 and during her time with the Association Fiona…
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SSTA Vacancy: National Casework Officer

NATIONAL CASEWORK OFFICER We are looking for a full-time National Casework Officer who can communicate effectively, interact well with other people and who can work as part of a team. The successful candidate will also have familiarity with the operation…
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SNCT Pay Offer Accepted by Teacher Unions

The SNCT Teachers’ Side met this morning and unanimously accepted the pay offer of 4.27% for all SNCT grades from 1 August 2024. This position was stated at a meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, the employers,…
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50 Years of the Health and Safety at Work Act

The SSTA welcome over seventy delegates and guests to The Stirling Court Hotel as it celebrates fifty years of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Keynote speeches include Risk Assessment and Supporting Mental Health of Colleagues. Grant McAllister SSTA Health…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

General Insurance Services



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Membership Offers


NQT - Qualified in 2024

You will receive free membership until January 2026


New Members

50% off subscription fees for the first 12 months of membership


Part-Time Teachers

Pay a reduced subscription fee.  50% off the full-time subscription