
Pay Agreement 2017/18

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers has reached a pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals for 2017- 2018.

Agreement has been reached on:


  • A 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017 will apply to all teachers and associated professionals who are governed by the SNCT bargaining arrangements. A further uplift of 1% will be added from 1 January 2018.   Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook.

Short-Term Supply Teachers

  • Arising from the above agreement, the rate of pay for short-term supply teachers is restored to the individual’s appropriate point on the main grade scale, with effect from 1 January 2018.
  • Therefore, all supply teachers will be paid the appropriate point on the main grade scale, regardless of the duration of the cover.
  • Short-term supply teachers will be paid for actual class contact time plus 10% for duties carried out in the school such as correcting work as part of ongoing classwork, maintaining a record of work, and contributing towards good order in the school, as agreed with the Headteacher.

Full details of the agreement can be found in SNCT Circular 17/61 -SNCT Pay Agreement 2017/18