
The SNCT agreed a number of proposals in relation to pay and conditions of service on 10 March 2014

The pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals covers the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2015.

The terms of the agreement are:

Effective Date   % Increase

1.4.2013                1%
1.4.2014                1%

Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook -Handbook Part 2 Appendix 2.1 Revised 03/14.

Local Authorities will be seeking to implement the backdated increase as soon as possible, likely in salaries to be paid over the April or May 2014 paydates. There may be some delay in the backdated increase being paid to supply teachers and those whose employment circumstances have changed during the year due to the additional complication.

Full details of Teacher Conditions of Service can be found on the SNCT website -

Salary scales for previous years can be found below.

April 2011 - March 2013 - No salary increase 

April 2008 - 2011 - Pay Review 2008 -Agreed Salary Scales

April 2004 - March 2008 - SNCT/33 Salaries Agreement 2004-2008  and SNCT/07/03

April 2001 - March 2004 can be found in the McCrone Agreement - A Teaching Agreement for the 21st Century