
The SSTA provides a unique service to members that is unmatched by any other teacher trade union in the UK. The SSTA is the only union where all members can contact a member of the professional staff rapidly and directly. Hence, we can safely say ‘Professional support is only a phone call away’ (or an email if that is your preferred initial contact). The SSTA is run by secondary teachers for secondary teachers.

The SSTA wants only the best for secondary education and secondary teachers and has maintained the subscription at the lowest levels for several years. To continue providing our unique service, and to meet the costs of maintaining the Association, the SSTA Council decided upon an annual increase of 3.5% for 2025.

Annual payers £204.93 and Monthly payers £18.63 – cost per annum £223.56

The rates for 2025 are as follows:

  • Full-time Permanent members £204.93 if paid annually by 31 January 2025, or £223.56 if paid afterwards;
    £18.63 per month if paid by monthly direct debit.
  • Part-time, job-share, temporary, supply and retired members: £102.52 if paid annually by 31 January 2025
    or £111.84 if paid afterwards; £9.32 per month if paid by monthly direct debit.

We should like to remind you that your SSTA subscriptions are a tax allowable expense. Two-thirds of the annual subscription payable to the Association is allowable for income tax relief. Section 343, Part 5, Chapter 2 of the Income tax (Earning and Pensions) Act 2003. Further information on how to make a claim can be found on the HMRC website

New Entrants

New entrants to the profession, including former Associate members, are admitted free for 16 months from the August of the year in which they complete their initial teacher training.

Month of JoiningFull-TimeTemporary, Part-Time, Job-share, Supply
August£ 93.15£46.60
September£ 74.52£37.28
October£ 55.89£27.96
November£ 37.26£18.64
December£ 18.63£ 9.00