Bulletin no 397/05 10 June 2005

Bulletin no 397/05 10 June 2005 Distribution One per Member 1. CONGRESS 2005 The following are the main items from Congress 2005 held in Peebles on 13 and 14 May. (a) Presidential Address The President, Alan McKenzie, addressed Congress on the theme of “Tell it as it is” and the Association's commitment to the education service in Scotland through “the hard work, dedication, discipline and single-mindedness” of its membership. The full text of the Presidential Address can be found on…

Bulletin no 398/05 14 October 2005

Bulletin no 398/05 14 October 2005 1. COUNCIL 1 OCTOBER 2005 a) Council heard reports on the latest progress of three issues: the McCrone implementation process, SQA developments and pensions. b) Council was informed that the purchase of the Association's new premises was now complete and that it was hoped that after internal renovations an official move to the new offices would take place around the end of the year. c) The following motions were approved by Council. • In…

Bulletin no 399/05 12 December 2005

Bulletin no 399/05 12 December 2005 Distribution One Per Member THIS IS THE FIRST BULLETIN ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION FROM ITS NEW HEADQUARTERS AT WEST END PLACE IN EDINBURGH. MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO NOTE THE NEW CONTACT DETAILS AS ABOVE. 1. COUNCIL 3 DECEMBER 2005 a) The following district motion was approved This Association condemns any attempt by the Scottish Executive, local authorities or headteachers to delay implementation of the reduction in maximum class sizes for English and Maths classes…

Bulletin no 400/06 14 March 2006

Bulletin no 400/06 14 March 2006 Distribution One Per Member 1. COUNCIL 3 MARCH 2006 Council heard reports on progress on teachers pensions, developments in the “Curriculum for Excellence”, the position on “collegiality” ahead of the decision at SNCT later in the year and developments in the McCrone working groups 2. LIFE MEMBERSHIP The Committee of Past Presidents has agreed to confer Life Membership on Bill Fitzpatrick, East Ayrshire District.The award will be presented at Congress on 12-13 May 2006.…

Bulletin no 401/06 30 May 2006

Bulletin no 401/06 30 May 2006 1. CONGRESS 2006 The following are the main items from Congress 2006 held in Coylumbridge, Aviemore on 12 and 13 May. (a) Presidential Address The President, Albert McKay, addressed Congress on the theme of Supporting Teacher Professionalism. The full text of the Presidential Address can be found on the Association website at https://ssta.org.uk. (b) General Secretary's Address The General Secretary, David Eaglesham, addressed Congress on the reform of the role of local government in…

Bulletin no 402/06 16 October 2006

Bulletin no 402/06 16 October 2006 Distribution One Per Member 1. COUNCIL 7 OCTOBER 2006 a) The following motions were approved by Council. • This Association deplores the apparent reluctance of the Scottish Executive to fully fund the recent reduction in class contact time. This is having increasingly detrimental effects on learning and teaching and staff welfare and is likely to lead to enforced part-time education in some secondary schools before the end of the current session.The Association calls on…

Bulletin no 404/07 16 March 2007

BULLETIN Bulletin no 404/07 16 March 2007 1. COUNCIL 3 MARCH 2007 Council met on Saturday 3 March 2007 and noted the following: After scrutiny and election, the Office-Bearers for 2007-2009 and 2007-2011 (as appropriate) are the following: Ann Ballinger will be President of the Association for the period 2007-2009; Alan Taylor will be the Minutes Secretary for the period 2007-2011; Norman Geekie will be General Treasurer for the period 2007-2011; The ballot results for the election of Vice-President were:…

Bulletin no 405/07 7 June 2007

BULLETINBulletin no 405/07 7 June 2007 1. CONGRESS 2007 The following are the main items from Congress 2007 held in the Hilton Coylumbridge Hotel, near Aviemore on 11 and 12 May. (a) Presidential Address The President, Albert McKay, addressed Congress on the theme of Your concerns – Our priorities. The full text of the Presidential Address can be found on the Association website at https://ssta.org.uk. (b) General Secretary's Address The General Secretary, David Eaglesham, addressed Congress on the reform of…

Bulletin no 406/07 12 October 2007

Bulletin no 406/07 12 October 2007 1. COUNCIL 6 OCTOBER 2007 • Council heard reports on the McCrone Implementation process, and in particular on Chartered Teacher. • Council also heard an extensive report on “A Curriculum for Excellence” and was directed to the latest documents at http://www.curriculumforexcellencescotland.gov.uk and follow the link “Experiences and Outcomes”. Only the Numeracy and Science proposals are as yet available. The Numeracy proposals are, however, cross curricular.Members are urged to download and read these. The process…