Asbestos in Schools

Printable Version There should be records of any asbestos in your school kept within your school. These should be accessible on request. If not, ask why not? What is asbestos? Asbestos was a building material used extensively in the U.K. from the 1950s through to the 1990s. Why is asbestos dangerous? Serious, often fatal diseases can be caused when asbestos fibres are released from materials, becoming airborne and inhaled. On average, there is a 30–40 year latency period between exposure…

HSE: School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tackling the health and safety Myths

Dear Colleague School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tackling the health and safety Myths In July this year, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published a statement "School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities: Tacking the health and safety myths" to address perceptions that health and safety law is a barrier to school trips. HSE also agreed to produce a number of case studies to illustrate and encourage proportionate responses to the planning and delivery of school visits. The purpose…