Pre-Retirement Courses

These courses are offered exclusively by the SSTA every year. The Courses are designed for members who are approaching retirement. This course covers; investment, state benefits, superannuation, the need for planning, taxation in retirement. The courses are normally held between April and June in various locations across Scotland. Details of the events will be posted on-line and in the Bulletin when details are finalised.

Feedback on SQA Exam Diet

The SQA are seeking feedback on the exam diet.   They particularly welcome your views on the questions and on any issues you believe will have affected pupil performance. They are also delighted to receive suggestions for improvements to future exam papers.     If you have any comments to make (positive, negative or a combination of both) please send them by email to adding SQA feedback to the subject line.   We will collate these and forward them…

Research project on post induction teacher employment

The Association has been asked to invite appropriate members to take part in a Glasgow University Research Project dealing with the career trajectories of post induction teachers. This research should provide an accurate picture of what paths teachers actually take on completion of their probationary period and will be a valuable marker for all those involved in teacher planning. Additionally the project may focus on transition from university to employment; induction experiences; support during first year of teaching; support following…

Scottish Pensioners' Forum

Scottish Pensioners Forum Manifesto Launch PENSIONERS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES “THERE IS A BETTER WAY” 4 April 2011 at 10.30am Tea/coffee from 10am STUC, 333 Woodlands Road Glasgow G3 6NG HUSTINGS 2011 THE CONTINUING ECONOMIC CRISIS AND THE WELFARE STATE II THERE A ‘BETTER WAY' FORWARD ? Parties invites Communist Conservative Green Labour Liberal Democrat Scottish Nationalist Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Scottish Socialists 4 April 2010 at 6.00pm Tea/coffee from 5.30pm STUC, 333 Woodlands Road Glasgow G3 6NG

Consultative Ballot regarding Proposed Changes to Conditions of Services

Due to a clerical error in the preparation of the ballot papers a small number of members will receive duplicate papers. Unfortunately we have not been able to identify exactly who received duplicate copies of the papers. We ask that members who do receive duplicate papers disregard them. The number of duplicate ballot papers issued should have no real impact on the result of the ballot. Before any formal action is taken we will hold a formal ballot under TU…

Timesheet to record Working hours

As an additional service to members and as a result of enquiries we have created a timesheet which can be used to record your working time during the year.   The spreadsheet programme does the calculations for you and new copies can be downloaded from here. Our most recent survey showed that many members are working in excess of 45 hours per week.   This will allow you to maintain a record for your own use.   It will also…

Aberdeen City Indicative Ballot Results

Dear Colleagues The indicative ballot closed at midnight on Wednesday 26 January 2011.   Part 1 related to ballot verification then two questions were asked.   The response to questions 2 & 3 were: 2. In the event of compulsory redundancies: 64.4% in favour of a ballot on action including strike action 35.6% in favour of a ballot on action short of strike action 3. In the event of a pay cut being imposed: 80.5% in favour of a ballot…

Communicating with pupils via email

Dear Colleagues You may have been asked to communicate with pupils via electronic means during this inclement weather enabling staff to work from home in severe weather and avoid possible injury attempting to travel to a building already closed to pupils.     Some schools even ask staff to use electronic means to distribute, discuss and mark homework.     This type of communication should only be undertaken using the authority Intranet.   Properly set up and monitored intranet systems…

Warning to Members - Teaching resources - A SCAM?

The Association has become aware of the behaviour of a company, who run a web-site containing the term “teaching resources”, have caused considerable concern within the teaching profession. Their web site offers teachers a chance to 'trial' PSHE resources. However, only in the very (easily missed) small print of the terms and conditions is it explained that, after the 14 day trial, schools will be automatically invoiced for a two year contract with the company. This will only be stopped…

Meeting of Council: Saturday 4 December 2010 - CANCELLED

Due to the recent bad weather the meeting of Council due to take place on Saturday 4 December has been cancelled.   The meeting is being rescheduled to take place at St Colm's Church Hall, Dalry Road, Edinburgh on Saturday 15 January 2011 at 10.30am. The General Secretary will e-mail Council members over the coming weekend with news of any updates or urgent business.