Relationships and Behaviour Action Plan – Where Next?
Poor pupil behaviour is a major driver of stress and increased workload and the SSTA has continued to press the Scottish Government for a unified approach to support teachers in meeting the needs of pupils. The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills announced ‘Pupil Behaviour Summit’s in 2023. This was followed in August 2024 with the Improving relationships and behaviour in schools: ensuring safe and consistent environments for all Joint action plan 2024 - 2027 This action plan was developed by the Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) using evidence from the Pupil Behaviour in Scottish Schools Summits, teacher union surveys and The Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research (“BISSR”) report 2023
The initial view of the SSTA was to welcome the action plan and focus on the following areas.
- Consistency of reporting and action throughout the education system
- The inclusion of ‘consequences’ being part of the approach to building professional relationships in classes.
- Identify supports to address the issue of those pupils who do not respond to either relationship building of the use of consequences
- Review of all current processes for recording incidents including violent incidents to address the under-recording of incidents
- Good recording of incidents necessary to ensure that pupil behaviour risk assessments (and mitigations they require) can be completed based on the firm evidence.
The SSTA is holding an online overview on the ‘Behaviour Action Plan’ on Thursday 6 February at 5.00pm Reserve your place