
Work to Contract

Colleagues, SSTA representatives were involved in pension negotiations during the summer but there remains no immediate prospect of an acceptable offer. The very real threat to our pensions continues with younger teachers bearing the largest burden of this particular attack…
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Specialist Panels

The SSTA operates with a number of specialist panels. Their function is to inform and advise on the particular issues that they deal with.
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Update on Pension Negotiations

Colleagues, You will be aware that the Association is involved in negotiations with the Scottish Government and employers in an attempt to secure the best possible future pension arrangement for all teachers. Unfortunately negotiations continue to be constrained by events…
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SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher Courses

The final version of the SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher courses is now available from here . The document clarifies future pay arrangements for teachers currently on the Chartered Teacher pay scale. Teachers on the Chartered Teacher scale will…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

General Insurance Services



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Membership Offers


NQT - Qualified in 2024

You will receive free membership until January 2026


New Members

50% off subscription fees for the first 12 months of membership


Part-Time Teachers

Pay a reduced subscription fee.  50% off the full-time subscription