
SNCT Update

Imposed changes to conditions of service and the payment of supply staff take effect from 1 September 2011. The changes are likely to cause confusion and uncertainty for supply staff and simply confuse payroll departments. The SNCT document relating to…
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Members Update

Dear Colleague Hopefully you start the new session in a stress-free and positive mood after a relaxing holiday. I apologise if anything in this update reduces the positive effect of the holidays, and assure you that is not my intention.…
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Pre-Retirement Courses

These courses are offered exclusively by the SSTA every year. The Courses are designed for members who are approaching retirement. This course covers; investment, state benefits, superannuation, the need for planning, taxation in retirement. The courses are normally held between…
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Faculty Arrangements in Edinburgh City

TO PROMOTED POSTHOLDERS IN EDINBURGH CITY Dear Colleague FACULTY ARRANGEMENTS IN EDINBURGH CITY The current move in Edinburgh City towards faculty arrangements appears to have been left very substantially in the hands of headteachers rather than involve senior officials of…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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