
Imposed changes to our Conditions of Service

Dear Colleagues By now you will be aware of the disgraceful events at the SNCT Teachers’ Side meeting on 28 April, when some teacher representatives surrendered after approximately 12,000 of the 60,000 eligible teachers voted to accept the Cosla proposals.…
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Result of the Consultative Ballot

Members of the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association have decisively rejected the revised package of cuts in teachers' salaries and conditions proposed by the employers' organisation, COSLA.   In an indicative ballot the members voted: - 93.6% to reject the offer…
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Statement of formal dissent to Teachers' side agreement to accept the Colsa proposals

At the meeting of the Teachers' side of the SNCT held at 3pm today SSTA representatives formally dissented from the decision made to accept the Cosla proposal.   Full wording of the statement made at the meeting can be read…
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SSTA Dissents from Decision to Accept Proposals

At the meeting of the Teachers' side of the SNCT held at 3pm today SSTA representatives formally dissented from the decision made to accept the Cosla proposals. The SSTA does not accept the proposals and reserves the right to legally…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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