Members Bulletin 30 April 2020

COVID-19: Members UpdateThe situation with COVID-19 is changing constantly but the fundamental priority is keeping people safe. It is essential that everybody adheres to the Government guidance and do not put people at risk. Health Protection Scotland (HPS) adviceHPS advice can be found at most recent ‘Core COVID-19 Information and Guidance for General (Non-Healthcare) Settings (version 4)' can be downloaded hereCommunity Hubs, Social Distancing and PPEThe teacher unions have been pressing the Scottish Government and COSLA for specific advice for Community Hubs and…

Social Distancing: Further Information & Advice

The situation is constantly changing and I would like to take the opportunity to give further information and advice.More detailed SSTA advice to members can be found on the SSTA website. Social Distancing: The latest Scottish Government advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19): social distancing in education and childcare settings can be found at Advice Schools must ensure a ‘risk assessment’ has taken place that includes the Scottish Governments’ advice on social distancingSchools must ensure the provision of necessary cleaning materials and measures to prevent close contact…

School Closures: Further Information & Advice

The situation is constantly changing and I would like to take the opportunity to give further information and advice. The SSTA advice to members can be found on the SSTA website. School ClosuresPlease find link to latest SNCT circular 20/75 School Closures. I would like to highlight the following: Spring Break Community Hubs will be open over Spring Break for vulnerable children and for children of key workers who cannot make their own childcare arrangements. The Community Hubs should be staffed on a volunteer basis and…

COVID-19: Message to Members

The SSTA reaffirms the advice to members issued on Friday 20 March. Please follow this advice and all members will be supported in your actions by the SSTA.The first consideration for members must be your own personal safety. If you, or a member of your household, have any of the symptoms then you must follow the health guidance and isolate.If you have an underlying health condition, or are a part of a vulnerable group, you must work from home.If you have…

School Closures - SSTA Members Advice

The First Minister made a statement on Wednesday 18 March that all schools are closed as from the 17.00 on Friday 20 March. The closure of schools is on medical and scientific advice. There must be no normal lessons, including senior classes, taking place after this date as schools are closed. Arrangements for making provision for children of key workers and vulnerable children in school buildings is at an early stage. The number of pupils and the number of staff…

COVID-19: Working at Home

Thursday 19 March 2020 The situation is still changing and it will change further this afternoon following the Deputy First Minister Statement. The SSTA will be issuing advice on Friday once the implications have been considered. Please find a link to a COSLA document that was finalised on Wednesday evening. This document is focused upon ‘working at home’ and applies to all Local Authority employees. This hopefully clarifies the situation for teachers.

COVID-19: SSTA Members Update - 17 March 2020

The SSTA is in constant contact with the Government and employers regarding guidance to members and schools during this difficult time. The situation and guidance on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is continually updating and changing. I have tried to lay out the current position and guidance to help answer most of your questions. Please follow the link to previous advice.The Government has made the decision to keep schools open where possible “We recommend all educational settings remain open unless you have been advised…

COVID-19 - SSTA Advice to Members

The situation and guidance on COVID-19 is changing and will continue to change in coming days and weeks. The SSTA will continue to update you on any changes that may occur.Please find below the official links for information on COVID-19.NHS Scotland. COVID-19 can cause respiratory illness of varying severity. Currently, there is no vaccine and no specific treatment for infection with the virus. Protection Scotland (HPS). The key source of advice for all schools and educational settings including early learning and childcare…

Additional In-Service Days -Teacher Workload Still Increasing

As part of the three-year pay deal the teacher unions together with the Government and COSLA (employers) made a commitment to reducing teacher workload. Two additional in-service days were allocated within the 2019-2020 school session to help schools to identify and reduce teacher workload. The SSTA conducted a survey of school representatives in December 2019 to gauge the impact of the additional in-service days in reducing teacher workload. Despite the commitment from the Government and COSLA, SSTA representatives reported that…