
SSTA Survey on 2017 Pay Award

In 2016 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee determined to conduct a consultation of members in response to the 2017 Pay Award. The Committee is keen to get members views on the Pay Award prior to the SNCT meeting on 18 December and to assist in future pay negotiations. In early December the SSTA circulated information to members on the 2017 Pay Award (see below). The SSTA is well aware of the demands of teachers at this time…

SSTA opposed to the formation of an Education Workforce Council

The SSTA at its December Council meeting passed a motion to oppose the Deputy First Minister’s proposal regarding the formation of an Education Workforce Council and urges the Government to abandon plans to create such a Council.   Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “The SSTA believes that by removing the GTCS it would be a retrograde step and would compromise the independence and integrity of the GTCS.  This would be to the detriment of the teaching profession in Scotland.…

SSTA Newsletter - November 2017

The November 2017 SSTA Newsletter is now available for members to download. The Newsletter contains articles on Teacher Workload Benchmarks The Right to Flexible Working Working Week/Year for Part-Time staff Pupil Behaviour and much more  

SSTA Member Briefing - November 2017

Teachers Pay Claim for April 2017 Protracted discussions have taken place at the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). It is hoped a final offer will be presented in the coming weeks. Industrial Action - Members continue to be protected by the lawful ballot and are being advised to work within the SNCT contracted 35 hour working week and the school’s Working Time Agreement (WTA). Any work requested outside the WTA should be declined and reinforce the message that tasks…

General Secretary Report - October 2017

Industrial Action - Members are being advised to work within the SNCT contracted 35 hour working week and Working Time Agreement. Guidance available at   Teachers Pay Claim for April 2017 The pay claim is being discussed at the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). The SNCT claim includes: an uplift to meet the decline in ‘real’ value in teacher salaries since 2003 and bring Scottish Teachers into line with average teachers' salaries across the OECD the restoration of…

General Secretary Report -September 2017

Members are being advised to work within the contracted 35 hour working week and focus on teaching and learning. Additional guidance issued on School Improvement Plans; Working Time Agreements; National 5 Changes; Standardised Assessments and Bench Marks Current guidance and presentations are available at Teachers Pay Claim 2017 The teachers side of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) submitted a pay claim for 2017 and discussions are to continue with the Government and Employers. The SNCT claim includes…

Standardised Assessments Update - Members' Bulletin

Standardised Assessments Update Overview Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA) Assessment contract with Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) Funded by the Scottish Government To be taken at P1, P4, P7 and S3 Trial involved 9,000 assessments in 66 schools in 5 local authorities To replace current Local Authority assessments Aligned to CfE and Bench Marks To assess skills in Reading, Writing and Numeracy A diagnostic report will be produced that will contribute to the professional judgement of the teacher An…
Members' Briefing

SSTA Members' Briefing 2017

Seamus Searson the General Secretary would like to meet with SSTA members to discuss the issues that face secondary teachers (pay, workload, SQA etc.) and how we protect and improve conditions for members. This is your opportunity to have your say. A list of upcoming dates and venues are shown below. Stuart McCullough, Independent Financial Advisor from Llife Ltd will also be giving a presentation on "How to Control your Pension and Retirement Date?". Agenda General Secretary - Members’ Update,…

Vacancy - Post of Professional Officer

POST OF PROFESSIONAL OFFICER We are looking for a Professional Officer who can communicate effectively, interact well with other people and who can work as part of a team.  The successful candidate will also have familiarity with the operation and ethos of a trade union, SNCT Conditions of Service and should have a sound knowledge of the Scottish education system. The post is based in Edinburgh and attracts a current salary of £50,319 per annum.  A defined contribution pension scheme…

SSTA meets Deputy First Minister

Printable Version - Members Bulletin - SSTA Meets DFM- June 17 SSTA meets Deputy First Minister The SSTA met with John Swinney, Deputy First Minister on Wednesday 21 June and discussed a number of the Association’s motions from our Annual Congress in May. The SSTA delegation was led by Kevin Campbell (President), John Guidi (Vice-President), Euan Duncan (Immediate Past President) and Seamus Searson, General Secretary. The following issues were discussed: Teachers’ Pay and Career Structure One element of the recent…