
Presidential Address to 78th Annual Congress

Catherine Nicol, SSTA President Address to the 78th Congress of the SSTA The Trade union movement is still a force to be reckoned with. Trade union members need to be alert to the neoliberal forces in the press, political sphere and social media that strive to create division in our ranks. There is no room for unilateral and partisan action if we are to achieve our shared aims. Holding the line when others seek to break it down is crucial.…

Secondary Teachers Tell SQA To Think Again

The SSTA conducted a survey of members delivering national qualifications following the SQA announcement that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit. The majority of SSTA members are opposed to the change with only 19% wanting a return to the pre-pandemic arrangements. Seamus Searson, General Secretary said “The SSTA survey has shown that SQA must go back and reconsider its decision…

SQA 2024 – 90% of Teachers say their Pupils are not ready

Following the SQA announcement that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit - the SSTA sought views of members. In responding to the survey, secondary teachers who are delivering national qualifications were clearly opposed to a full return. More than 2,000 members have responded in a week with the survey closing on Friday. Seamus Searson, General Secretary said.“The initial results indicate that…

SSTA ready to Boycott the SQA Exams next year

The SQA has announced that National Qualifications course assessments in session 2023-24 will return to full requirements – including reinstating coursework and exam assessment and the National 4 added value unit.Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said:“The SQA pushed this decision out on a day when all focus is on Holyrood, just two days before the Easter break when teachers and learners are in the final furlong for the 2023 exams. This is a bad news story for all secondary school…

Teachers Face “Aggression Epidemic”

The SSTA Additional Support Needs and Education Committees organised a members’ consultative survey to assess the increasing evidence of disruptive pupil behaviour in secondary schools. 2478 members responding to the survey. The survey revealed both the extent of verbal and physical aggression being faced by teachers in Scottish secondary schools as well as systemic failures to address these issues. While facing verbal aggression at work would be uncommon in most occupations, 75% of secondary teachers reported having experienced verbal aggression in the…

Teacher Pay Settlement 2022 – 2024

At the SNCT Teachers’ Panel meeting on Wednesday 14 March to consider the 2022-2024 pay offer. The pay offer was formally accepted by all unions and the decision was communicated to employers at the close of the meeting. The SNCT Handbook is to be updated to include SNCT 23/93 Pay Agreement April 2022-July 2024 SNCT Part 2 Appendix 2.1 Salary Tables SNCT Part 2 Appendix 2.5: Annex A (Remote School, Distant Island and Residential Special School Allowances)  Local authorities will…

SSTA Pay Ballot – Vote to Accept

The SSTA conducted a formal pay ballot of members on the latest pay offer from the employers (COSLA). Members voted overwhelmingly to accept and brought the SSTA pay dispute and further industrial action to an end. The SSTA members returned a 85.3% in favour of accepting with 14.7% rejecting the latest offer. The formal ballot had a turnout of 79.9%. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said. “The SSTA is an autonomous teachers’ union and the response to the ballot gave a clear statement.…


The SSTA has launched a formal ballot on the improved pay offer received from COSLA . The SSTA is advising all members to consider carefully the details of the pay offer.  Please note that it is structured differently from the previous pay offer that members were asked to consider in the consultative survey in February. The offer is for 28 months and is in three parts for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 July 2024: A 7% increase at all SNCT pay…

Teachers’ Pay Dispute 2022-2023

The SSTA National Executive met today to consider the next steps of the SSTA pay campaign. The Executive had identified dates for further industrial action in the event of the employers failing to produce an improved pay offer.However, just after 3.00pm today an improved pay offer was received from COSLA and as previously agreed by the SSTA Salaries Committee and National Executive the latest pay offer will be put to members. The SSTA will conduct a formal online ballot undertaken by an…


Following a meeting of the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee and National Executive this evening the following statement has been released. The SSTA conducted a consultative survey of all members in local authorities, to gauge members’ views and comments on the employers pay offer (14 February 2023). The committees would like to thank all members who contributed to the survey that had a 76% response. The SSTA position has been to build strike action, apply pressure on the Scottish Government…