24 November – Teacher Strike

The latest pay offer has been rejected by EIS and AHDS and the strike planned for Thursday 24 November will go ahead. SSTA members and members of other unions or none are unable to participate in the strike action and must attend their normal place of work. To not attend their place of work the local authorities will deem the teacher is taking strike action and deduct the salary for that day.The SSTA has been in contact with local authorities…

SSTA Two Strike Days Announced

The SSTA National Executive Committee has authorised 2 days of targeted strike action on Wednesday 7 December and Thursday 8 December in pursuit of a fair and just pay settlement for 2022.  Catherine Nicol, SSTA President said“The Executive Committee felt it had no option but to move to strike action due to the failure of the employers (COSLA) and the Scottish Government to make an improved pay offer. The last pay offer was made on the 19 August and was quickly…
Ballot Results

Statutory Ballot on Strike Action - Result

The SSTA postal ballot for strike action closed today and we have received the result from the independent scrutineer. 90% of SSTA members have voted to take strike action with a ballot turnout of 62%. The ballot passed the statutory requirements of a postal ballot and gives the SSTA the legal mandate to take part in legal industrial action. The SSTA National Executive will meet later this week to confirm the date of strike action and will be considering a…

Pay Campaign Update

The SSTA Strike Ballot closing date is coming fast. Please get your ballot paper in the post as soon as possible. Ballot closes 16 November 2022. Every last vote is important! Meeting with the DFM and Cabinet Secretary for Education – 10 November 2022 The SNCT Teachers’ Side were invited to a meeting with the DFM and Cabinet Secretary for Education at the Scottish Parliament on 10 November 2022. All six teacher unions/associations were represented together with representatives from COSLA (employers) and…

Message from the General Secretary

STRIKE BALLOT PAPERS ARE COMING  The SSTA strike ballot paper will be arriving at your home from Wednesday 26 October and I would like to encourage you to return your vote as soon as possible. This ballot must be conducted by post and votes not returned will be deemed to be a no vote. To meet the legal threshold more than 50% of members need to vote and more than 40% of the total membership (not just those who voted) need…
strike ballot

SSTA Ballot for Strike Action

The SSTA National Executive sanctioned the statutory ballot for strike action following an overwhelming number of SSTA members calling for strike action in a consultative ballot. The SSTA’s statutory ballot for strike action commences on Wednesday 26 October and closes on Wednesday 16 November. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “Unfortunately, the threat of strike action seems to be the only thing COSLA and Scottish Government take seriously. This ‘market stall’ brinkmanship mentality is insulting to teachers, parents and young people. It really…
Consultative Ballot slogan A - Sept22

Consultative Ballot on 5% Pay Offer for 2022-2023

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is conducting a Consultative Ballot of members on the 5% pay offer and members preparedness for strike action. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is asking members to reject the 5% pay offer and support the call for strike action to support the SSTA in applying pressure in future negotiations with the employers (COSLA) and Scottish Government. The Consultative Ballot will commence on Friday 16 September and will close at noon on Wednesday…

The SSTA Rejects the 5% Pay Offer and Moves Closer Towards Strike Action

 The SSTA conducted a members opinion survey through school representatives, on the 5% pay offer from the employers (COSLA). The SSTA represents more than 6,500 members in Scottish secondary schools. 80% of members rejected the pay offer with 70% of members reluctantly prepared to take strike action in pursuit of a realistic pay deal. Seamus Searson the SSTA General Secretary said “SSTA members have given everything in the last number of years to keep education going and to ensure that all young people…

Message to Members - 26 August 2022

An Improved Pay Offer BUT STILL Not Enough The SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (COSLA, Scottish Government, SSTA and EIS) met on 18 August and COSLA made a pay offer of 3.5%. The Teachers’ Side (SSTA and EIS) made clear that this offer was totally unacceptable and must be improved. COSLA then made a further offer of 5% the following day. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met on 24 August to consider the 5% pay offer and took the…