The following motions were approved at the Association's 62nd Annual Congress, 12-13 May 2006 , Hilton Coylumbridge, Aviemore. EMERGENCY MOTION The Association welcomes the publication by Audit Scotland of “A Mid Term Report – a first stage review of the cost and implementation of the teachers' agreement ‘A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century'”, and commends the analyses which it provides.Congress deplores, however, the misleading inferences, being drawn from the report by certain commentators, which imply that ‘value for money'…

62nd ANNUAL CONGRESS 2006 - 12/13 MAY 2006

62nd ANNUAL CONGRESS 2006 - 12/13 MAY 2006 The Association's Annual Congress was held on the 12 & 13 May at the Hilton Coylumbridge, Aviemore. Details of motions passed, President's Address and the General Secretary's Report are now available for your information

General Secretary's Report Congress 13/14 May 2005

General Secretary's Report Congress 13/14 May 2005 President, Colleagues, My text for today can be found in the 10th book of Bill Bryson, modestly entitled “A Short History of Nearly Everything”. For those of you who have read Bill Bryson's works, this magnum opus would have come as a bit of a shock. First of all, it is not a history book but a science book. Secondly, it is not the “book at bedtime” genre but a challenging read, to…


PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS - FRIDAY 13 MAY 2005 “MAKING SCHOOLS WORK” Sometimes in rare opportunities of introspective reflection or when under the latest moment of crisis, one is impelled to ask the ultimate question of existentialism - WHY ARE WE HERE? Whether it is a question that creeps into your consciousness during an interminable committee meeting or when you are representing a member in school and everything seems to be going pear shape, it remains a critical question that lies at…

Motions Congress, 13-14 May 2005

The following motions were approved at Congress, 13-14 May 2005 , Peebeles Hotel Hydro. MOTION A This Association deplores the attempts being made by some Local Authorities to maximise class sizes and class contact time in an effort to make budget savings, whilst simply ignoring the 35 hour working week for teachers. MOTION B This Association requests that the Scottish Executive takes immediate action to ensure that all Scottish local authorities implement, as a matter of urgency, all provisions of…

CONGRESS 2005 - 13/14 MAY 2005

CONGRESS 2005 - 13/14 MAY 2005 The Association's Annual Congress was held on the 13 & 14 May at the Peebles Hotel Hydro. Details of motions passed, President's Address and the General Secretary's Report are now available for your information.

March 05 Bulletin_396-05.htm

COUNCIL 5 MARCH 2005 1. COUNCIL a) Council stood in silence as a mark of respect for George Dawson, Life Member, who died in January 2005, and also for Peter Dawson former General Secretary of NATFHE and EI, who was a long standing friend of the Association. b) Council heard that Executive had authorised a indicative ballot on possible strike action with regard to proposed pension changes to teachers' pensions. Executive will determine, on the basis of the indicative ballot,…

Bulletin no 397/05 10 June 2005

Bulletin no 397/05 10 June 2005 Distribution One per Member 1. CONGRESS 2005 The following are the main items from Congress 2005 held in Peebles on 13 and 14 May. (a) Presidential Address The President, Alan McKenzie, addressed Congress on the theme of “Tell it as it is” and the Association's commitment to the education service in Scotland through “the hard work, dedication, discipline and single-mindedness” of its membership. The full text of the Presidential Address can be found on…

Bulletin no 398/05 14 October 2005

Bulletin no 398/05 14 October 2005 1. COUNCIL 1 OCTOBER 2005 a) Council heard reports on the latest progress of three issues: the McCrone implementation process, SQA developments and pensions. b) Council was informed that the purchase of the Association's new premises was now complete and that it was hoped that after internal renovations an official move to the new offices would take place around the end of the year. c) The following motions were approved by Council. • In…

Bulletin no 399/05 12 December 2005

Bulletin no 399/05 12 December 2005 Distribution One Per Member THIS IS THE FIRST BULLETIN ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION FROM ITS NEW HEADQUARTERS AT WEST END PLACE IN EDINBURGH. MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO NOTE THE NEW CONTACT DETAILS AS ABOVE. 1. COUNCIL 3 DECEMBER 2005 a) The following district motion was approved This Association condemns any attempt by the Scottish Executive, local authorities or headteachers to delay implementation of the reduction in maximum class sizes for English and Maths classes…