National Qualifications and Reducing Teacher Workload

Printable Version SSTA members have consistently highlighted the need for a reduction in teacher workload in the senior phase of secondary education. A survey of members in December 2015 clearly found that the SQA requirements and processes had added considerably, and in many cases unnecessarily, to teacher’s workload. The SSTA Council resolved to conduct an indicative ballot of members on cutting bureaucracy in National Qualifications. The Government established the ‘Assessment and National Qualification working group’ in January and was tasked…

35 Hour Week – The Teacher Contract

Printable Version The working hours and duties of teachers are negotiated nationally and form part of the agreed conditions of service for teachers (SNCT-Part 2 Appendix 2.7) The individual and collective work of teachers should be capable of being undertaken within the 35 hour working week. Working Year and Working Week (SNCT-Part 2 Section 3) The working year for teachers shall consist of 195 days of which 190 days will coincide with the school year for pupils with the remaining…

Post-Congress 2015 Newsletter

The Post-Congress 2015 newsletter is now available for members to download. Congress 2015 Newsletter Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the newsletter. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Supply Teachers' Bulletin

Printable version SSTA has always recognised that Supply Teachers are an important and essential part of the education service. Schools are unable to function without an experienced and professional group of teachers. SSTA insists that the supply teacher shortage has been as a direct result of the lack of understanding and respect of the importance of supply teachers. A short term fix in 2011 is now causing severe problems in schools. Supply teachers take this career path for a number…

Post-Congress 2013 Newsletter

The post-Congress 2013 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Posts Congress 2012 Bulletin

The post-Congress 2012 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded from here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from