Early Results of Ballot

Early results from the consultative ballot on the revised proposals from COSLA are a clear and emphatic rejection of the proposed detriment to the conditions of service of all teachers. More than 90% of SSTA members voting have rejected the revised proposal, mirroring the results of the ballot on the previous proposal. The Teachers' side of the SNCT meets today, Thursday 28 April, when a formal decision will be made.   You will be informed of this decision immediately after…

Please remember to vote

Colleagues The consultative ballot on the revised proposals from COSLA will close one week from now.   The seriousness with which our response is listened to depends as much on the number of votes cast as it does on the results.   A return of 50 or 60% will be dismissed as indicating the agreement of 40 or 50% of members.   Please take a few minutes to vote either by post or online.   The future of our profession…

The Purpose of our Ballot

Dear Colleagues I am grateful to members who have forwarded comments made by other unions concerning the purpose of this ballot.   If anyone is confused I hope the following is helpful. Consultative ballots are used by this Association to: seek members' views on important issues inform the relevant committee make a policy decision based on the response received from members. The overwhelming view of our members (being a democratic body) will guide OUR policy. Changes in Conditions of Service…

Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee recommends rejection of the latest COSLA proposal.

Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met today, Monday 28 March 2011, and agreed unanimously to ballot members on the new COSLA proposals and recommend rejection.   The committee believes this proposal constitutes an attack on some of the most vulnerable members of our profession, further reducing their earning capacity.     Other elements of the   proposal constitute an attack on specific members of our profession many of whom accepted earlier changes in good faith, believing the assurances of…

Full details of the revised proposed changes to conditions of service

Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) Proposed Changes to Pay and Conditions 2011 1. The three parties to the SNCT (the Scottish Government, COSLA and the Teachers Side) referred to below as the ‘three parties’ agree to abide by the conditions set out in Appendix 1 attached. 2. The three parties affirm their commitment to the independently chaired review of all aspects of the McCrone Agreement chaired by Professor McCormac. 3. The three parties agree that following the outcome of…

Update on Proposed changes to conditions of service

SSTA representatives at the SNCT meeting on Wednesday 23 March did not accept the new proposal, making it clear that in this Association members make policy decisions. A vote on the revised proposal was taken at the Teachers' Side pre-meeting and 6 of the 19 members did not vote in favour of accepting the proposal.   A ballot will be held to enable members to state their views and influence our stance.   Further details below... Dear Colleagues At the…

Consultative Ballot regarding Proposed Changes to Conditions of Services

Dear Colleagues The results of the recent consultative ballot are listed at the end of the message. These results will be formally intimated to COSLA and The Scottish Government at the next meeting of the SNCT. This will take place at 2pm on Wednesday 23 March 2011. Any Information from the outcome of the meeting will be posted on the website by Thursday 24 March 2011. Information will also be emailed to members as soon as possible after the close…

Review of teacher employment in Scotland

Professor McCormac, Chair of the Review of Teacher Employment, has issued a Call for Evidence to be submitted to the Review Group from interested parties.   Members are encouraged to give their opinions by complete the questionnaire.   Please remember that group replies are frequently given the same weighting as individual ones.   For that reason it is very important that as many members as possible respond giving their views.   The questionnaire can be found on the Scottish Government…

Consultative Ballot regarding Proposed Changes to Conditions of Services

Dear Colleagues Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met on Wednesday 2 March 2011, where it was agreed that a consultative ballot of members employed in the state sector would take place in relation to the changes in conditions of service proposed by COLSA.   In addition to being asked if they support the proposals, members will be asked to consider whether industrial action should take place if the changes are imposed by COSLA.   Details of the proposed changes…

COSLA Proposal - Frequently Asked Questions

A list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the COLSA Proposals has been produced for the information of members.   If you have a question that is not answered here please email SSTA HQ at info@ssta.org.uk. Q1. Does the comment in section 2 of the document about ‘sufficient teaching posts for all probationers' mean that Probationers finishing is 2011 are guaranteed a job? A. NO they are not. The comment in Section 2 refers to the number of jobs…