SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports

  The first of SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports are now available to view on the dedicated Curriculum for Excellence pages of the SQA website.     The Reports represent the next stage in the development process of the next generation of national qualifications to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and are an important opportunity for all stakeholders to provide their feedback on the development.   A feedback facility is available on the SQA website.   Reports have been…

SSTA Position on CfE Not Changed

Dear Colleagues SSTA POSITION ON CfE NOT CHANGED You will know by now that the Management Board have recommended not to delay implementation of CfE in secondary schools after assurances from the Cabinet Secretary. Our representative on the Board (Peter Wright) decided he had no choice but to accept the Cabinet Secretary's assurances after Michael Russell stated he was "absolutely committed to make sure the problems are solved". At its meeting on Friday 24 April Executive reaffirmed its continued demands…

CfE Survey

Curriculum for Excellence Questionnaire In January an SSTA delegation met with the Cabinet Secretary, Mike Russell to discuss our concerns about progress with Curriculum for Excellence. During the course of the discussion the Cabinet Secretary stated that he was aware of the need for more detailed information within the secondary sector. Our view on this is very clear. Only subject specialists, working in classrooms across Scotland are in a position to provide a considered professional opinion on the readiness of…

SSTA Consultation on Outcomes & Experiences

The Outcomes and Experiences relating to Curriculum for Excellence are now published on the Learning Teaching Scotland website and should be in schools in paper form by 15 May. The Outcomes and Experiences aren't subject to formal consultation but the Association wishes to know members views. Your responses can be made on each subject by clicking on the appropriate link below. Members should note that there are a number of cross curricular areas. Please respond in as many areas as…


The Association is seeking the views of members regarding the latest documents from "A Curriculum for Excellence". These documents can be found at the Curriculum for Excellence website. Members are urged to download and read these. The process which the Association asks you to use to allow you to express your views is as follows: To post your comments on the proposals for any subject please visit this link. Please contribute as soon as possible. The Association will collate these…


A CURRICULUM FOR EXCELLENCE The Association is seeking the views of members regarding the latest documents from "A Curriculum for Excellence". These documents can be found at the Curriculum for Excellence website. Proposal for Mathematics, Modern Languages, Classical Languages and Gaelic (learners) are now available from the Curriculum for Excellence website. Members are urged to download and read these. The process which the Association asks you to use to allow you to express your views is as follows: To post…