General Secretary Report - March 2017

‘Put pupils first – give teachers time to teach!’ Members are being advised to work within the contracted 35 hour working week and focus on teaching and learning. Additional guidance is to be issued on School Improvement Plans, Working Time Agreements, Pastoral Support and Posts of Responsibility. Current guidance and presentations are available at Teachers Pay Claim 2017 The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has submitted a pay claim for 2017 and discussions are to continue with the…

SPPA Circular 2017/03 - Summer Retirals

Please see the link to the SPPA  circular 2017/03 issued Wednesday 15 March 2017. The purpose of this circular is to: highlight the timescales for submission of summer retiral applications clarify process for late applications confirm the information required highlight facility for accepting electronic submission of applications direct requests for benefit estimates to My Pension online service    

Letter to Deputy First Minister

The SSTA wrote to John Swinney, Deputy First Minister, on Thursday 9 March 2017 asking for an urgent review of the changes to National 5 Qualifications introduced by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and intended for implementation in 2017-2018 session. A copy of the letter is available to view below.

SSTA Newsletter - February 2017

A newsletter containing updates on the Teachers Pay Claim 2017, SSTA Survey on National Qualifications Changes and the Increase in GTCs Fees is available for members to download using the link below.   February 2017 newsletter

Vice-President Election 2017-19

The result of the Vice President Election for 2017 - 2019 [table id=8 /] I would like to congratulate John Guidi on his election and offer him all the best wishes during his term of office. Seamus Searson General Secretary   The scrutineers report is available from SSTA HQ on request.    

SQA Changes to National 5 Courses

The SSTA was represented at a meeting of the Assessment and National Qualifications working group on 31 January where SQA gave a presentation on the changes to National 5 Course for the 2017-2018 session. SQA made these changes following consultation with SQA subject groups and feedback to SQA surveys of pupils, teachers and schools. The changes for each National 5 course will result in one or more of the following: extension of the existing question paper extension/modification of the existing…

Election for Vice President 2017-2019

There are two candidates for the election for Vice President 2017-2019. The candidates are: John Guidi Ward McCormick The Candidates' Election Statements can be can be downloaded using the link below VP Election 2017-2019 - Candidates'  Election Statements The election opens on Tuesday 17 January and closes at 12noon on Tuesday 31 January. Ballot papers are being sent out to members’ home addresses on Tuesday 17th January 2019.  If you do not receive a ballot paper please contact the office…

SSTA response to the increase in GTCS Fees

SSTA response to the increase in General Teaching Council for Scotland(GTCS) Fees The SSTA Head Office has been inundated with members complaining about the planned £15 (30%) annual increase in GTCS fees from £50 to £65 in 2017. SSTA members are extremely angry about what they see is an unjustified increase at a time of education cuts. Teachers have had to face a cut in ‘real’ salary in the last few years and work in an education service that has…