Named Person Legislation

The SSTA welcomes the refusal of the challenge to legislation to a named person for every child in Scotland. The SSTA agrees with the statement made by Lord Carloway “Essentially all that the legislation does, and is intended to do, is to provide for every child and his or her family a suitably qualified professional who can, if necessary, act as a single point of contact between the child and any public service from which the child could benefit.” Seamus…

Post-Congress 2015 Newsletter

The Post-Congress 2015 newsletter is now available for members to download. Congress 2015 Newsletter Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the newsletter. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from

Professional Update Survey

The SSTA wishes to gauge members’ opinions on the implementation of the Professional Update Process. Emails are being sent out to members today with links to the survey. Members who have not received an email should contact the SSTA office with details of their email address. The information we collect will provide a snapshot of how the process is being implemented and will be helpful in our discussions with the GTCS and local authorities.   The link in the email…

School Rep Bulletin - 35 Hour Working Week

Printable Version The following represent the most commonly asked questions relating to the 35 hour working week and the contractual matters associated with Working Time Agreements. Q1. How are teachers’ contractual duties determined? They are shown in the SNCT Handbook Part 2: Section 2 - Main Duties Q2. Can the duties be varied at school level e.g. by the insertion of such a variation in a school Working Time Agreement (WTA)? No. Q3. Can the duties be amended at District…

School Rep Bulletin - Working Time Agreements

Printable Version School Rep Bulletin - Working Time Agreements 1. Introduction Since 2006 the pupil contact time for secondary teachers in Scotland has been limited to a maximum of 22.5 hours per week. Teachers are contracted to work for 35 hours per week. Part 2 Section 3.9 the SNCT handbook states that: “An allowance of no less than one third of the teacher’s actual class contact commitment is provided for preparation and correction. The use of remaining time will be…


The purpose of circular 2015/12 is to provide clarification on: Contribution rates and tiers for members joining and leaving the scheme CARE members who have additional contracts Cash conservation Employee and employer contributions payable whilst a member is on sick leave/maternity leave/shared paternity leave/ adoptive leave Contributions for members who receive holiday pay quarterly Salary sacrifice

North Ayrshire Teacher Elected as President of SSTA

Euan DuncanPresident Press Release - President Elected 27 May 15 Scotland’s only specialist union for Secondary Teachers, the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, has recently selected North Ayrshire teacher Euan Duncan as its new President. Euan was elected unopposed following a call for nominations from the Association’s districts throughout Scotland. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said "I would like to congratulate Euan on his successful election as President and wish him every success in a period where education in Scotland is…

Annual Congress 2015 - Motions

You can find a note of the motions taken to Congress 2015 and the decision of Congress below. Links to Reports and speeches from Congress 2015 can be found here. Motion A – Remitted to Executive Congress calls on the SQA to remove the requirement for pupils to complete “Added Value Units” and Assignments at National 4 and National 5 as these have little educational value to justify the unnecessary stress they place on pupils and their teachers. These assessments…

SSTA joint union letter to the new Government

Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association and most other UK teaching unions have written an open letter to the new government setting out our concerns about the potential impact of funding cuts on the education system. The letter, published in the Sunday Times, calls for a commitment to fund the additional costs already facing schools and colleges and protect all education funding regardless of sector, age or location.

CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report

The CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report’ published in March. This report has been produced by the Scottish Government, the employers and Teacher Unions and is intended to tackle the problems teachers face in schools. The report has four sections Assessment Forward Planning Monitoring and Reporting Self-Evaluation and Improvement Planning FOUR posters have been produced to highlight the sections within the report for school notice boards. The SSTA believes that this report has the potential to reduce teacher workload…