
The new Council of the SSTA met briefly after Congress. The purpose was to elect a new Executive and Finance Committee. We announce the result below.

Working Time Agreements 2013/14

Members are reminded that the season of Working Time Agreements is here. Given the increasing workload implications of National 4 and 5, it would be advisable to review the allocation of time in the school agreement devoted to curriculum development and Formal Assessment.

National Qualification's Survey

The Association is conducting a survey of members to find out how prepared they are for the delivery of the new courses next session. The survey should take no longer than a couple of minutes to complete.

Working Time Agreements

Following a number of enquiries regarding Working Time Agreement the Association has produced an advice sheet for School Reps which is available to download. Should you have any questions regarding your school Working Time Agreement please contact headquarters by emailing or calling 0131 313 7300.

Results of Survey on Newsletter

There were 500 responses. The highlights of the survey are as follows Nearly 90% supported the electronic format being used. The great majority of respondents were happy with the smaller printed format (80%). 75% of respondents rated the articles in the newsletter as being interesting and relevant and 69% believed that 2 newsletters per session were sufficient. The full survey results are available for any member. Please contact the Acting General Secretary.