writing on a green chalkboard - back to school

SSTA Safety First - School Return Survey

Employers need to take their duty of care seriously The SSTA conducted a survey of members to gauge their concerns following the return of all pupils to school.  The survey highlighted the inconsistent approach to staff safety taken by local authorities across Scotland.Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said“It is particularly worrying that 53% of members in Glasgow were not confident in keeping safe following the return of schools but in East Dunbartonshire and Inverclyde the number fell to 22% of…

Safety First – School Return – SSTA Survey

The SSTA conducted a survey of members following the reopening of schools to gauge the confidence of teachers returning to school. The survey received 2,058 responses and highlighted the concerns of members. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “The majority of secondary teachers still do not feel safe in school and lack confidence in their employers to keep them safe since the reopening of schools. Only 7% of teachers were very confident about their return with 38% not confident at…

Additional In-Service Days -Teacher Workload Still Increasing

As part of the three-year pay deal the teacher unions together with the Government and COSLA (employers) made a commitment to reducing teacher workload. Two additional in-service days were allocated within the 2019-2020 school session to help schools to identify and reduce teacher workload. The SSTA conducted a survey of school representatives in December 2019 to gauge the impact of the additional in-service days in reducing teacher workload. Despite the commitment from the Government and COSLA, SSTA representatives reported that…

Subjects and ‘Multi-Course’ Teaching

The SSTA conducted a survey of members in June following the end of the National Qualification cycle on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in particular subjects in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a subject hierarchy in Scottish Secondary Schools that highlighted an unfairness to both teachers and pupils. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “this survey has highlighted the subject hierarchy within National Qualifications that exists in schools and the challenges teachers face in trying to…

National Qualifications and ‘Multi-Course’ Teaching

The SSTA conducted a survey of members in June following the end of the National Qualification cycle on the extent of ‘Multi-Course’ teaching in S4 classes. The SSTA received 1,247 responses that showed a wide disparity of practice in each local authority across Scotland. The SSTA has continuously campaigned for the unfairness, to both pupils and teachers, of multi-course teaching to be addressed. The response to the survey brings strong evidence for action to be taken to give all pupils…

SSTA Rejects Dundee Management Structures in Secondary Schools

The SSTA conducted a Consultative Ballot of its members in Dundee in response to the Councils proposed Faculty Management Structure in Secondary Schools. More than 60% of SSTA members responded in less than a week. 95% of those members responding do not support the change to a faculty structure for middle management of Secondary schools.89% of members do not have a clear understanding of how ‘Dundee’s vision to raise attainment’ will be met through faculties.95% of members do not believe…


The SSTA conducted a Consultative Ballot of its members on the latest pay offer from COSLA. The ballot closed at noon today with 76% of SSTA members making a response. The latest pay offer was a 3% increase from April 2018 with a further 3% from January 2019. This would be followed by a 3% increase in April 2019 and April 2020. 64% of SSTA members voted to accept the latest teacher pay offer with more than a third of…

Teachers Are Scotland’s Future - SSTA Submission to Career Pathways for Teachers

The SSTA submitted its vision on the future of the teaching profession in Scotland to the Careers Pathway Teachers Panel. The SSTA is seeking a system that values teachers and their contribution to Scottish society.  Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary “It is time for the Scottish Government and employers to stand-up and recognise the important role and contribution that teachers make to Scottish society. Scottish teachers have been keeping the education system afloat despite drastic financial cuts over the last…
Papers and classroom

Pupil and Teacher Workload Out of Control

SSTA conducted a survey of members in January 2017 on the changes to National 5 and a further survey in May 2018 following the completion of the new arrangements. 1355 SSTA members responded across all subjects. 87% of teachers saw no reduction in workload as a result of the changes. Teachers also reported a 57% increase in the workload of pupils. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “The Ministers intention to reduce pupil and teacher workload by removing National 5…

SSTA Consultative Ballot - The Members have Spoken

The SSTA conducted a Consultative Ballot on the 2018 Teachers’ Pay Offer. The SSTA Consultative Ballot closed on Tuesday 20 November. The majority of SSTA members participated in the ballot electronically with a small number of members requesting a postal ballot. Ballots were issued to 6,487 members with 4,729 members participating in the ballot. The response rate was 73%. 97% of respondents rejected the offer with only 3% prepared to accept the pay offer. Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said…