

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS - FRIDAY 13 MAY 2005 “MAKING SCHOOLS WORK” Sometimes in rare opportunities of introspective reflection or when under the latest moment of crisis, one is impelled to ask the ultimate question of existentialism - WHY ARE WE HERE?…
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Motions Congress, 13-14 May 2005

The following motions were approved at Congress, 13-14 May 2005 , Peebeles Hotel Hydro. MOTION A This Association deplores the attempts being made by some Local Authorities to maximise class sizes and class contact time in an effort to make…
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CONGRESS 2005 - 13/14 MAY 2005

CONGRESS 2005 - 13/14 MAY 2005 The Association's Annual Congress was held on the 13 & 14 May at the Peebles Hotel Hydro. Details of motions passed, President's Address and the General Secretary's Report are now available for your information.
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March 05 Bulletin_396-05.htm

COUNCIL 5 MARCH 2005 1. COUNCIL a) Council stood in silence as a mark of respect for George Dawson, Life Member, who died in January 2005, and also for Peter Dawson former General Secretary of NATFHE and EI, who was…
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Workload Guidance Documents1

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