
SSTA Members’ Bulletin - 17 June 2021

SSTA Members’ Bulletin - 17 June 2021£400 Alternative Certification Model PaymentThe SSTA welcomes the one-off exceptional £400 payment for teachers supporting the delivery of the Alternative Certification Model for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications in 2020/2021.Key pointsPayment Teachers in education authority schools, independent schools and grant aided schools, involved in delivery of the ACM, will receive a maximum taxable payment of £400.Funded by a Scottish Government grant to employers, schools must claim on behalf of relevant staff.Payment will…

SSTA Members Bulletin – 11 June 2021

Printable PDF School Teacher Pay 2021The SNCT Extended Joint Chairs met on Monday 7 June but COSLA were not prepared to make an improved offer.  COSLA said the reason for the lack of progress was that it is awaiting discussion on local government funding with Cabinet Secretary Kate Forbes and Shona Robison. The further discussions on finance between COSLA and Scottish Government are deemed necessary before there can be any reconsideration of the terms of the pay offer. The Teachers’ Side…
Survey image

SSTA Survey - Alternative Certification Model (ACM) – May 2021

The SSTA conducted a survey in response to the high numbers of members raising concerns regarding the Alternative Certification Model (ACM) and its impact on teachers and their pupils.Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said“The SSTA received 1711 responses which gave a clear indication of the difficulties teachers and pupils are facing in trying to deliver the ACM.“The SQA is in its ‘own world’, oblivious to the real situation in schools. It has shown little understanding of the situation in schools…
Reopening Schools

Members Bulletin - Schools Reopening

Members Bulletin - Schools ReopeningThe Scottish Government confirmed on 6 April that all secondary school pupils would be back in school on a full time basis after the Easter holidays. The Government published its ‘Guidance for opening schools in April 2021’ Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on reducing the risks in schools - ( guidance includes: Confirmation that a full-time return for secondary schools is on the basis of no physical distancing required between pupilsSchool staff and other adults in the school should…

SNCT Pay Negotiations 2021 - SSTA Rejects Pay Offer

The SNCT Teachers’ Side Negotiators (SSTA and EIS) met with COSLA (the employers) and Government Officials on Wednesday 17 March to respond to the Employers 2021 Pay Offer. The SNCT Teachers’ Side submitted a pay claim for 2021 for a pay increase in the financial range of 3% - 5% in December 2021 . COSLA responded by making an offer in line with Government’s pay policy. The offer from COSLA is: A 2% uplift for those earning up £40,000 (all main grade teachers up to Point 4); andA…

SSTA Response to SQA Appeals Consultation

The SSTA Education Committee met on 17 March 2021 to discuss and agree a collective response to the SQA’s 2021 NQ Appeals Process Consultation on behalf of SSTA members.  You can view the SSTA Response here. SSTA members are, of course, still able to respond individually at In making its response the Committee was mindful of: Teacher workloadFairness to learnersMaintaining confidence in National QualificationsThe importance of good, clear communication  The response was uploaded to at 0915 on 18 March 2021.

School Reopening - 15 March 2021 - Update

School Reopening - 15 March 2021 On the 9 March the First Minister confirmed the proposal for the return of secondary school pupils from the 15 March. All secondary pupils will return on a part-time basis from 15 March - it is the intention that all secondary school pupils will return to spend some time in school from 15 March until the Easter break.It is expected that all secondary school pupils will be back in school on a full time basis…
Reopening Schools

School Reopening - 15 March 2021

 On the 2 March the First Minister announced proposals for the return of secondary school pupils. The First Minister added that the plans are conditional on continued progress on suppressing coronavirus (COVID-19). The statement included:  All secondary pupils will return on a part-time basis from 15 March - it is the intention that all secondary school pupils will return to spend some time in school from 15 March until the Easter break.Councils will decide how to balance safely in-school learning…
High School

Members Update - 19 February 2021

 First Minister Statement – Reopening of Schools 22 February 2021 The First Minister made a statement to the Scottish Parliament on 16 February to confirm the intention to reopen schools to some pupils on 22 February. Following this announcement the government also published their related guidance: The updated reducing risks and mitigating risk guidance, together with the Education Scotland technical guidance regarding the limited senior phase return for practical activities, that was published on 12 February and which is available here The guidance includes Strengthened requirement for pupils and…

Safety First - Secondary Schools Reopening

It is sensible to take a cautious approach to reopening secondary schools on Monday 22 February but it cannot be a return to a way of working that existed prior to Christmas. Schools were closed in January because we needed to control the virus. We now need to ensure pupils and staff are safe during this staged return. The reopening of secondary schools is a controlled exercise that will be evaluated before further decision will be made. Secondary teachers need…