Ballot on Industrial Action

Ballot Papers for the ballot on Industrial Action resulting from changes to Pension Provision are being sent out by the Independent Scrutineer to member's home addresses from Tuesday 8 November. The Ballot closes at 12 noon on Monday 21 November.

Results will be published as soon as possible after the close of the ballot.

Government's Offer on Public Sector Pensions

You will have seen the announcement from the UK Government today and their claim that this ‘new proposal’ answers all of our concerns. They even claim this new proposal is a good deal for teachers. To assist your deliberations the proposals are explained below:

SSTA to Ballot on Strike Action on Pensions

The SSTA today decided to ballot its members on strike action in defence of members’ pensions. The decision was taken unanimously by the union’s Executive at a meeting in Edinburgh today.

New National Qualifications - October Update

Have Your Say – Latest Documents

The latest draft documents for the new qualifications have now been published. Course Specifications for Access 2 and Access 3 are now available on the website and feedback can be given by 31 December 2011 on our Have Your Say page. A summary of all the feedback we've received to date is available here. The subject drop-down menu can be used to view the latest information for each subject.

Pensions - The Current Situation

As members will be aware, there has been discussion between the TUC and Treasury on the issue of public sector pensions. Additionally, the Independent Public Sector Pensions Commission, chaired by Lord Hutton, reported in March this year. The Report contained much which would be attractive to the Government.

Dealing with the McCormac Proposal and the Attack on Teachers' Pensions

The most recent attack on teachers’ conditions of service is encapsulated in the word flexibility. Professor McCormac believes teachers must be more flexible in their approach to every aspect of their employment. Conversely he recommends that employers reduce the flexibility of their approach by, for example, requiring skilled professionals to remain in the school during the pupil day.