URGENT - Claims in relation to accrued maternity leave

16 November 2010 TO:       SSTA MEMBERS Dear Colleagues URGENT - Claims in relation to accrued maternity leave Further to the information provided on the poster sent to schools at the start of the session, the Association now additionally advises as follows. In order to protect the position of members who were on maternity leave during leave year 1/9/09 to 31/8/10 with regard to the accrual of leave during maternity leave, such members are advised to contact the…

Bulletin No 419/10 October 2010

The October 2010 edition of the SSTA Bulletin can be downloaded here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to open the Bulletin. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/.

Teachers: Russell: I'm sorry but don't blame me young teachers can't find jobs

The Scotsman (By FIONA MACLEOD) – 28/10/10 01:02 THE high number of teachers unable to find jobs has been blamed on "cavalier" councils and over-recruitment to teacher training universities by education secretary Michael Russell. After being grilled at the education committee yesterday,   Mr Russell was accused of giving a "grudging" apology to the hundreds of teachers unable to find work. Full story available from The Scotsman

Minister in call to revisit McCrone deal for teachers

Herald Scotland (Andrew Denholm, Education Correspondent) – 28/10/10 06:03 A historic agreement governing the pay and conditions of Scottish teachers should be re-opened as council budget cuts loom, the Education Secretary said yesterday. Michael Russell told the Scottish Parliament's education committee it was time for the 2001 McCrone deal to be “revisited”. The comment came as the committee discussed suggestions from some councils that increasing the hours teachers spend in the classroom would allow them to cut staff and save…

There is a Better Way March and Rally

The Association is attending the STUC There is a Better Way the March and Rally taking place in Edinburgh 23rd October 2010. Any members wishing to attend the march can join the Association's official delegation. Details of the meeting place and timings of the march are detailed below. 10.45 am: Meet in Princes Street Garderns by the Scott Monument. 11.00 am: Make our way to the march assembley point on East Market Street. 11.30 am: March off. 12.30 pm: Rally…

Hutton Report and Our Pensions

The Hutton interim report suggests a number of 'money saving' improvements to public service pensions. It would appear that the solutions are known before the problem is identified.   The scheme revaluation, currently underway, won't be reported until 2012. In the meantime proposals, possibly to include: • raising the retirement age • increasing employee contributions • move to average salary pensions will decimate the contractual benefit we enjoy and deprive teachers of the retirement they have so hard worked for.…

SSTA responds to Cabinet Secretary's bullying

Colleagues You may have noted from newspaper reports that the Scottish Government has threatened to remove the Association from the Management Board if we consult members on the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. It has also been suggested that at a time of financial difficulties we should be concentrating on protecting salaries and pensions.   I would simply ask what, in a time of recession, could be more important than the education of future generations.   Executive meets on 1…

An invitation to respond to GTC Scotland consultations 2010

In January 2008 the First Minister announced that the General Teaching Council for Scotland would be established as a ‘self- regulatory, profession led body, along the lines of the General Medical Council. Consultation followed focussing on some key functions of the Council and in January 2010 the response to that consultation was published. To enact the resultant changes to the Council, regulation will be placed before Parliament in September 2010. The current 12th Council will continue to exist in the…

Teachers' Side Submission to the Independent Public Service Pensions Commission

The commission will undertake a fundamental structural review of public service pension provision by Budget 2011. It will produce an interim report in September 2010 ahead of the Spending Review. Scope of the Commission's work The commission will make recommendations on how public service pensions can be made sustainable and affordable in the long-term, fair to both the public service workforce and the taxpayer, and ensure that they are consistent with the fiscal challenges ahead. The Commission will consider issues…

EHRC - Inquiry into Disability Related Harassment

Please note that the Equality and Human Rights Commission is conducting an inquiry into disability related harassment. The remit is explained fully here, but please note that the geographical area covered does include Scotland, so members are encouraged to submit responses as appropriate. Thanks http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/legal-and-policy/formal-inquiries/inquiry-into-disability-related-harassment/ The deadline is 10th September.