Teacher Pay Talks Stall - 4 October 2018

Negotiations around the Teachers’ Pay Claim have shuddered to a halt after the Scottish Government and COSLA today refused to consider improvements to their previous offer. The Teachers’ Panel of the SNCT (Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers) had unanimously rejected the offer as being “derisory” in terms of the 10% claim and “divisive” in that it offered unpromoted teachers a slightly better deal than promoted members of the profession. The constituent bodies of the teachers’ side will now consider the…

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 6 September 2018

The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on 6 September and a revised pay offer was received from COSLA. This offer is for 3% across all SNCT posts (as opposed to the previous pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below).  This would apply to all teachers except for those earning £80,000 or above, whose increase would be limited to £1600.  This offer would be…

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 20 April 2018 The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on Thursday 19 April.  The teachers’ side were disappointed that the Scottish Government,at this stage, were not prepared to offer any additional funding after having said at the last meeting  that it wished time to consider its position. At the last meeting on 27 March, COSLA (the employers) made a pay offer of 2%…

2018 Pay Claim - Retention, Recruitment and Restoration

Update on 2018 Pay Claim for Teachers The SSTA conducted a pay survey of members in December and published the findings on 23 January 2018 The members survey highlighted the need for a substantial pay increase, the excessive workload placed upon teachers, the high number of members who had considered or are considering leaving the profession and the readiness of members to take industrial action. The survey confirmed the position of SSTA and the ‘pushing at every door’ for a…

SSTA Prepares for Industrial Action on Teachers’ Pay in 2018

The SSTA conducted a survey of members on the 2017 pay increase for teachers and their readiness to take action in pursuit of an acceptable pay deal in 2018. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said, “At this early stage 96% of SSTA members are prepared to take industrial action for an above inflation pay award in 2018. 64% were prepared to take strike action with a further 32% were prepared to take action short of strike action” “The survey showed…
Salary Scale 1-4-17 poster-portrait

New Salary Scales

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers has reached a pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals for 2017- 2018. A 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017 will apply to all teachers and associated professionals who are governed by the SNCT bargaining arrangements. A further uplift of 1% will be added from 1 January 2018.   Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook. Salary Scales Poster – 1 April…

Pay Agreement 2017/18

The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers has reached a pay agreement for teachers and associated professionals for 2017- 2018. Agreement has been reached on: Pay A 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017 will apply to all teachers and associated professionals who are governed by the SNCT bargaining arrangements. A further uplift of 1% will be added from 1 January 2018.   Full details are set out in the revised Appendix 2.1 of the SNCT Handbook.…

SSTA Survey on 2017 Pay Award

In 2016 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee determined to conduct a consultation of members in response to the 2017 Pay Award. The Committee is keen to get members views on the Pay Award prior to the SNCT meeting on 18 December and to assist in future pay negotiations. In early December the SSTA circulated information to members on the 2017 Pay Award (see below). The SSTA is well aware of the demands of teachers at this time…

SSTA Member Briefing - November 2017

Teachers Pay Claim for April 2017 Protracted discussions have taken place at the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). It is hoped a final offer will be presented in the coming weeks. Industrial Action - Members continue to be protected by the lawful ballot and are being advised to work within the SNCT contracted 35 hour working week and the school’s Working Time Agreement (WTA). Any work requested outside the WTA should be declined and reinforce the message that tasks…

SNCT Pay Claim 2017

Printable PDF Version Background 1.1   In presenting a claim to the SNCT the Teachers' Panel recognises that there are a number of elements that will underpin a pay award that recognises the key role of teachers and associated professionals in maintaining and enhancing the delivery of education. 1.2   Scottish Government has publicly stated the centrality of improving education standards to improving the life prospects of Scotland's children to underpin future economic prosperity. In that  context,  the  importance  of  a…