
SSTA Survey on 2017 Pay Award

In 2016 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee determined to conduct a consultation of members in response to the 2017 Pay Award. The Committee is keen to get members views on the Pay Award prior to the SNCT meeting on 18 December and to assist in future pay negotiations. In early December the SSTA circulated information to members on the 2017 Pay Award (see below). The SSTA is well aware of the demands of teachers at this time…

SSTA Member Briefing - November 2017

Teachers Pay Claim for April 2017 Protracted discussions have taken place at the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). It is hoped a final offer will be presented in the coming weeks. Industrial Action - Members continue to be protected by the lawful ballot and are being advised to work within the SNCT contracted 35 hour working week and the school’s Working Time Agreement (WTA). Any work requested outside the WTA should be declined and reinforce the message that tasks…

SNCT Pay Claim 2017

Printable PDF Version Background 1.1   In presenting a claim to the SNCT the Teachers' Panel recognises that there are a number of elements that will underpin a pay award that recognises the key role of teachers and associated professionals in maintaining and enhancing the delivery of education. 1.2   Scottish Government has publicly stated the centrality of improving education standards to improving the life prospects of Scotland's children to underpin future economic prosperity. In that  context,  the  importance  of  a…

Teacher Workload ‘Out of Control’

Teacher Workload ‘Out of Control’ The SSTA has completed a survey of its members to help identify the extra workload placed upon teachers associated with the implementation of the New Qualifications. This is in response to SSTA members across Scotland asking for some action to be taken to address the workload that is demoralising teachers in the current qualification cycle. Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said “the situation that teachers face in schools today in trying to do the best…

Pay and Conditions of Service Agreement 2015-2017

On Monday 28th October, The Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) formally agreed a number of proposals in relation to pay and conditions of service for teachers and associated professionals. Please find attached the Pay and Conditions of Service Agreement 2015-2017 and the supporting documents. The agreement includes: Pay – A 1.5% uplift from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 shall apply. Thereafter, a 1% uplift in pay from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 shall apply. Replacement…

Pay Agreement 2015

Please find attached the Pay Agreement 2015 and the supporting documents. The agreement includes Pay 1.5% 1 April 2015 and 1.0% 1 April 2016  Supply An evaluation and review of the impact of the recommendations of the supply working group will be concluded by January 2016 with a view to addressing any ongoing issues in the delivery of supply teaching. A number of councils (more than 50%) are already paying the full supply rate from the first day. A letter…

Pay Settlement

The SSTA, Scotland’s only specialist union for secondary teachers, has reluctantly agreed to accept a two year pay settlement. Two increases are proposed: 1.5% for the 12 months to 31 March 2016 (backdated) and a further 1% to 31 March 2017. The proposed settlement still needs to be agreed by all three sides of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers. Some details of the proposed settlement were welcomed: The government has expressed a commitment to protecting teacher numbers for the…

Penison Contribution Rates - School Rep Bulletin

Pension Contribution Rates - February 2015 STSS New Pension Contributions rates from 1 April 2015 For all scheme Members 1. The tiered structure and rates for employee contributions are changing. 2. A members actual pay rather than whole time equivalent pay should be used to determine the contribution rate due. [table id=2 /] Employer contribution rates from 1 April 2015 1.  The current employer contribution rate of 14.9% will continue to apply until 31 August 2015. 2.  Employer contributions from…

Flexible Working - School Rep Bulletin

Printable Version Flexible working is not an ad-hoc arrangement. It is not directed by the local authority and cannot be imposed.  It is not normally a solution to short term cover difficulties. Reps are reminded that: Any arrangement must be agreed prior to the beginning of the academic year and the request can be declined. A school may operate flexible class contact time, preparation and correction time and remaining time over a longer period, normally 2 weeks, but not exceeding…

Pay and Conditions of Service Agreement 2013-15

The SNCT has agreed a number of proposals in relation to pay and conditions of service. Agreement has been reached on:  A two year pay deal for 2013-14 and for 2014-15. Short term supply to be defined as 2 days (from 1 April 2014). No cap on the maximum class contact time for short term supply teachers. An automatic 10% pay uplift for preparation and correction time for all short term supply teachers. The revised SNCT package arising from the…